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Write a 1 page paper on ethnic marketing possibilities and its ethics issues. The study implemented a mixed research method in which face-to-face interviews implemented the qualitative aspects and que

Write a 1 page paper on ethnic marketing possibilities and its ethics issues.

The study implemented a mixed research method in which face-to-face interviews implemented the qualitative aspects and questionnaires implemented the quantitative aspects. Participants were sampled from three regions: Bakony, Tolna, and Baranya, and the capital region, and 150 participants were selected from each group and questionnaires administered.

The sample was representative. The study identified an ethnic identity matrix for noting varieties of german orientations, established differences between members of the ethnic group and recommends sensitivity to communication in marketing to different ethnic groups and subgroups. Care is however necessary, especially when marketing to the German minority, because of their sensitivity that establishes contingencies such as “inadvertent stereotypes, biology and genetics, and ethnocentric bias” (Sas and Kozma, 2009, p. 96). Implementing mainstream marketing with the target population identified one ethical issue that is the unavailability of Germans’ preferred foods. The study concludes that ethical marketing is a viable strategy in Hungary (Sas and Kozma, 2009).

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