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Write a 10 page essay on Comparison between health system in Canada & Germany.Download file to see previous pages... This research “Comparison between health system in Canada and Germany” provides

Write a 10 page essay on Comparison between health system in Canada & Germany.

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This research “Comparison between health system in Canada and Germany” provides an assessment of the performance of the systems of health care in two different countries. Both Canada and Germany entitle almost every permanent resident or citizen of their country to health coverage. In both Canada and Germany, the national government has established a statutory framework to finance the health care’s universal coverage. though in Canada, it is compulsory for the provinces to meet the conditions of participation in the arrangements of fund sharing that have been centrally defined. However, the way money is raised differs between the two countries. While 70 per cent of the health bill in Canada is obtained from the provincial and national general revenues, the health care system in Germany depends mainly upon the contributions made by the work-based social insurance. Although both Canada and Germany spend lesser on health care out of the national resources as compared to the United States, in both countries, cost containment has been a preoccupation for a long time. In Canada, the budget of public health care is a ceiling. Rationing is not an issue in the health care system of Germany. Both countries display curiosity regarding the analytic tools such as technology assessment, medicine based on evidence, cost-effectiveness analysis, and report cards so that these tools can be employed by the policymakers in the assessment of the performance of the systems of health care and provide them with ways of their improvement....

health care for the veterans, inmates in the federal penitentiaries, refugee claimants, members of the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police members, and the First Nations and Inuit. Prescription Drugs The public health insurance program covers all prescription drugs in the hospital setting. Each territory and province offers more coverage for the prescription drugs outside the hospital setting, but such policies vary across the territories and provinces. Some coverage is provided by all territories and provinces for the people aged more than 65 years who may or may not have partial coverage under the private insurance programs. All provinces in Canada offer drug coverage plans for the people who receive social assistance and have low incomes. In the year 2009, 46 per cent of the drug spending was attributed to public expenditure upon the prescription drugs (Thomson et al. 21). Preventive Services The federal government in Canada funds and provides numerous preventive services of health care by means of the Canadian Public Health Agency. The territorial and provincial governments provide both prevention and promotion of public health service in the public plans. Several programs of provincial screening are provided with a variety of delivery approaches and comprehensiveness. Mental Health Care The program of universal public insurance in Canada covers the services related to all kinds of mental health care that is provided by the psychiatrists and family physicians in the hospital and ambulatory settings.

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