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Write a 10 page essay on Critically Evaluate The Sustainability Strategy Of Coca-Cola Company.Download file to see previous pages... This is different from the convectional business model where it was

Write a 10 page essay on Critically Evaluate The Sustainability Strategy Of Coca-Cola Company.

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This is different from the convectional business model where it was relegated outside the business strategy, being left for business experts, innovators and perfectionists. Coca-Cola is a multinational non-alcoholic beverage company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with over 200 foreign subsidiaries. The company has a market capitalization of 178.67B USD and an enterprise value of 193.97B USD (Isdell, N. &amp. Beasley, 102). It has maintained competitiveness in the contemporary business environment due to its corporate sustainability program integrated in its business strategy. This paper presents a critical evaluation of how effectively the company is integrating sustainability issues in to business strategy. It also explains the specific reasons the company is adopting sustainability. The paper also highlights some failures experienced in maintaining a competitive sustainability strategy as well as an action plan to improve its performance. Coca-Cola Business Strategy Statement of Long-Term Intent Coca-Cola Company has a long term intent for sustainability that is supported by the presence of the position of Chief Sustainability Officer since 2011, which has significantly contributed to its sustainability agenda with the theme dubbed ‘Live Positively’, which is focused on three pillars of people, society and environment (Lester &amp. Tice, 59). The theme is accomplished through partnership with governments as well as non-governmental organizations. The sustainability efforts have been entrenched in all aspects of business, including the company’s affiliates and subsidiaries. Sustainability reports are published annually, which indicates the company’s commitment to its long-term intent (Jean et al, 82). To accomplish long-term sustainability, the company has set smart objectives such as promotion of healthy living, livelihood improvement in poor communities, empowerment of vulnerable groups that are shared among the business linkages. Reduction of the calorie level in its beverages is aimed at addressing the health concerns of consumers with regards to high calories in the diet. Product differentiation has successfully led to the development of over 800 beverages that have little or no calories, such as Diet Coke (Allen, 8). Moreover, the company has strived to achieve a 9% reduction in calorie per portion globally. This strategy has positioned its products competitively by expanding the market share to new consumers who prefer low calorie drinks Further to promote healthy living, the company focuses on establishing a physical health and nutrition program in every nation where it has set up business (Webb, 61).

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