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Write a 10 pages paper on the impact of the big game. It is actually ranked the second from Thanksgiving Day. The last tournament is therefore held on a Sunday. Initially, the Super Bowl Sundays were

Write a 10 pages paper on the impact of the big game. It is actually ranked the second from Thanksgiving Day. The last tournament is therefore held on a Sunday. Initially, the Super Bowl Sundays were normally in the first week of the month of January, unlike today when the Super Bowl Sundays have shifted further down to even the month of February.

Over the years, the Super Bowls have featured great musicians and singers of the world something that has further increased its popularity to the rest of the world. Although the game has been held in several major cities in America, most of the Super Bowls have in the past been converged in three major cities. New Orleans, Miami area and Los Angeles. Out of the forty-nine Super Bowls held so far, twenty-seven of them have been held in these three regions. Something that can be highly attributed to American political and socio-economic factors (MacCambridge, 237). The host stadium is normally a stadium that is not a home stadium to any of the teams participating in the competition. The stadium is normally selected five years prior to the tournament. There are however several requirements that a city and the stadium must meet to be selected as a potential host of the tournament. Such requirements include the fact that the stadium must hold a capacity of not less than seventy thousand people’s seated, must have an adequate parking space, an adequate entertainment area and more so adequate infrastructure (Branch, 10-15).

The Super Bowl is basically one of the most significant football events in the entire United States and attracts numerous audiences willing to pay highly for the seats in the stadium. According to Matheson (2-3), in the year 2008, a typical bowl ticket was averaging to seven hundred dollars. Eventually, the Super Bowl league is one of the most watched American television events in a year. Between the year 2000 and 2009, the Super Bowl event attracted more than ninety million viewers in the United States alone (Matheson, 5-6).&nbsp.

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