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Write a 11 page essay on Contemporary Society and Animal Rights.Most animal rights organization disagree from the above suggestion instead they argue that human animals have their rights as human bein

Write a 11 page essay on Contemporary Society and Animal Rights.

Most animal rights organization disagree from the above suggestion instead they argue that human animals have their rights as human beings, they clearly base the argument by suggesting that there is no morally relevant distinction between adults mammals and human animals. Hence the adult animals should always have rights too. Thus, Human beings and adults must always possess the right acts since they are both “subjects of a life’ since both are considered to have similar level of biological complexity, both the animal and human beings are conscious and always aware of themselves, they have the ability to prefer something sand hate others, they have the ability to make conscious choices, they have a planned and structured life events as they need to give the best quality of their lives and length and quality of their life matters allot to them.

From many animal caring organizations advocates, those animals should always be viewed as persons but not properties by this most people should always be involved in acing care of animals, as they understand the same in taking care of human beings. Animals should always be free from suffering and torture brought about by human beings. (Barton, 1987, pg 65)

In the recent world, animals have been seen as the most affected creatures in the world, being considered as the most important parts of the world. From the Animal Liberation book by Peter Singer focus on the impacts human beings, have on animals as he observes the day to day eating and slaughtering of animals for meat, for skin and fur. He greatly opposes the action.From his principle equality does not require equal or identical treatment, it only requires equal consideration.&nbsp.

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