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Write a 14 page essay on Child Labour is an extreme form of exploitation. Discus.Early engagement in these activities before adolescents affects the educational needs of the children and these results

Write a 14 page essay on Child Labour is an extreme form of exploitation. Discus.

Early engagement in these activities before adolescents affects the educational needs of the children and these results into a situation where young children at a tender age drop out of schools to work in different parts of the economy. The use of child labour has existed for an extensive period of time in history, dating back to the time of the Second World War when children in the United States and Europe would work for colonialists. The low cost of labour provided by children motivated these countries to engage the children within the agricultural, manufacturing and mining sectors thus affecting their educational goals and needs. The nature of work that children were exposed to and are still exposed to date demonstrates the extreme form of exploitation and violation of the children’s rights.

In some parts of the world, children would be subjected to the night shift thus denying them the right and privilege of sleeping and resting as other children of their age. The use of child labour to increase the productivity of a specific region due to their cheap labour is an extreme form of human exploitation that has no regards for human rights and the rights of the children. This paper will seek to demonstrate that the engagement of children in economic activities of an form represents an extreme example of child labour that impacts negatively on children’s growth and exposes them to a number of dangerous situations (Doepke & Zilibotti, 2010).

The emergence of child labour in different parts of the globe can be traced back to the 19th century when children were used to provide cheap labour in deplorable conditions within mills, factories and farms owned by wealth peasants. The British industrialisation has been accused for using child labour and exploitation to shove up its development due to the low wages paid to the minors. The replacement of hand labour with machines in Britain and other parts of

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