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Write a 2 page essay on Distribution: theoretical spectrum.Download file to see previous pages... Some business went the route of the "category killer" method. We see stores that use this model all th

Write a 2 page essay on Distribution: theoretical spectrum.

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Some business went the route of the "category killer" method. We see stores that use this model all the time, and these stores are quite successful. Stores like Wal-Mart, and the other massive consumer giants offer many different products under their roof, getting rid of the need for individual stores that sell various goods. This method brings everything the customer wants under one roof, making everything easily accessible and enticing for the customer. The customer no longer has to make several stops, they can pick up everything they need at one. This massive consumerist idea began to develop one end of the spectrum, and made it easy for consumer to have mass access to mass goods all at one time.

As this method for business began to flourish, other companies develop at the other end of the spectrum.

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