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Write a 2 page essay on The Effects of Falling American Popularity on US Business Abroad.Download file to see previous pages... intentions in all spheres. Finally, individual consumers will be more li

Write a 2 page essay on The Effects of Falling American Popularity on US Business Abroad.

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intentions in all spheres. Finally, individual consumers will be more likely to substitute products and to protest U.S. businesses in a variety of ways.

As a preliminary matter, both countries and groups of countries will be more likely to inhibit business practices. Muslim countries, such as Indonesia and Malaysia, may perceive American unpopularity to anti-Muslim policies. Unable to deal with the American government directly, they very well may seek influence by barring certain types of businesses and operations in their own countries. This may manifest itself, for example, in terms of foreign shareholding requirements or excluded enterprises. In addition, trade policies may be changed to restrict imports and exports. This may be done, as well, by larger organizations such as ASEAN. The effects would be to punish U.S. business for American unpopularity. In countries with strategic business resources, whether raw materials or cheap labor, the effects could be severe.

In addition, international organizations might become more suspicious of the intentions of U.S. businesses. Claims regarding the sources of manufactured goods, the provision of hidden subsidies, and the compliance with local and international laws might be subjected to much higher standards of proof. U.S. businesses.

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