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Write a 2 page essay on Women Lives during World War I Era.As mentioned above, women could vote after the realization of the 1920s’ 19th Amendment giving them the right to vote after a long struggle

Write a 2 page essay on Women Lives during World War I Era.

As mentioned above, women could vote after the realization of the 1920s’ 19th Amendment giving them the right to vote after a long struggle, protests, and movements directed to this right. There was a gap formed between the modern women in the 1920s versus the previous generation. There were strong stereotypes prior to that amendment that emphasized that women could not multitask on both their families and careers, which was reversed in this era. There was evidence of reduced investment in the entire social services compared to the progressive generations. This tune of the capitalistic spirited era saw the woman eager to find and compete with her personal fulfillment.Among other changes in the 1920s, women WWI allowed females to indulge themselves in temporarily in industries such as those processing automobiles, chemical, steel or iron manufacturing that some time back were deemed inappropriate for them. The race was also on the verge of being concerned in work premises where black women had started to find employment slots in industries, temporarily, during the First World War although on low wages although time saw them put back labor force consisting of agriculture, laundry works, and domestic servant at 75% in the 1920s.The suffrage achievements led the feminists to refocus their efforts to new goals where groups such as the NWP, National Women’s Party, carried on the political struggle with proposals such as the Equal Rights Amendment of 1923.

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