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Write a 4-6 page research paper (1,000 to 1,500 words) in MLA format about the Bombing of Hiroshima. Go Deep. Don’t just report the superficial facts. Include connections. Draw conclusions. Think anal

Write a 4-6 page research paper (1,000 to 1,500 words) in MLA format about the Bombing of Hiroshima. Go Deep. Don’t just report the superficial facts. Include connections. Draw conclusions. Think analytically and put your mind to work on this project.

1. Submit a list of references in MLA format style with your project.Please only use reliable sources (no Wikipedia, etc.)

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************ ** *** Student:School:Professor:Submission ***** The Bombing Of HiroshimaOn ****** * **** ** 8:15 am * **** *** ******* ** *** ******** **** ** ********* ******** in the ****** era Three **** ***** *** ****** ****** unleashed * ****** ******* bomb ** ******** ********* ***** *** the ***** **** ** human ******* ** *** a *** of terrible ******* for *** people ** Hiroshima(E E and ****** 158) Thousands more died ** * *********** of *** *********** aftermath the ****** subsequent fire ** *** "black ***** of radiation **** ******* **** the skyDespite *** **** **** ********* was a significant ******** **** *** the ********* ******* ** ***** **** **** ***** ***** *** ** *** ***** used ************ ***** ***** ******** E *** ****** 161) **** of thousands ** ********* *** sought sanctuary ** *** ****** ******* ****** due ** *** **** ** ***** *********** ************ to *** ***** toll *********** ****** ***** *********** ended ******** ****** ** ***** *** ** ******* ******* **** ******* ****** and *** ****** ****** *** supporting Nazi help *** ******** ******** during the ******* ***** *** *** ****** *** sanctioned ********* ******** ** ****** by ****** *** ********** ** *** war several Japanese and ****** ****** *** **** ********* ** American ******* raids * huge chunk ** ***** was ********** ** a ****** ** ******** ******** ******* ******* ***** and ****** ******** * *** ****** **** ****** ******** ** Hamburg *** ******* **** ****** ** to 46000 civilians ******* *** **** **** the bombing ******** caused immense ******** among *** ******** ****** ***** *** *** an innocent war ****** ***** ******* **** ****** ** a ******* *********** *** Americans destroyed ******** *** ********* felt ***** ******* ** ****** *** had **** exposed to Japanese ******** 20000 ******* ****** ** ***** ** ****** ** the Japanese were ***** the Hiroshima victims ***** must *** ** ************** was a ******* ***** ** *** race to ****** ******* ******* *** if ** *** succeeded ** ***** have ******** *** **** ******* Only ***** * ********** ** ******** *** ******** did the ******** government ******** its focus ** a ****** ***** weapon program: * ***** *** **** ***** **** incinerated *** *********** ***** ******************* ***** * ****** ********** *** Hiroshima ******* despite the fact **** ** *** ********* ********* **** ****** ******** ***** *** ********** *** ***** * and Weiner **** ** * ******* ****** ** Japan *** required ********** ********* **** up to ****** ********* *** **** **** ******** ***** be slaughteredAmerica's ******** ******* ********** a ***** ********** ** ***** *** ** ** **** ** critical ******* the ****** ***** would **** ** on ****** 8 ************ months after ********* ****** ** in ******* Truman *** ***** American ********* asked for *** war to conclude before *** ******* *********** ** ********** **** ** ************** ******** ******* ** ******** *** seeing * parachute **** but ** *** *** generally recognized that an ***** ***** was flying ******* * *** Weiner 159) * ************* aircraft *** **** likely ****** at a **** ******** when it *** *** ********* to ********** ******* ********* ** ****** killed ** *** town's ******* and ******* ** * ****** of seconds ****** *** *** **** ***** ***** were ******** ** *** ****** **** ******** of *** ****** warehouses *** other ********* *********** as ****** ***** **** ** a ********** ****** ** *** as ** the trams *** ****** didn't ***** **** **** in *** **** *** **** ****** did: **** ******* ****** ********** ** *** ***** froze as ****** ** **** ** **** disaster ** ***** was ****** ***** ***** ***** *** ***** ****** ****** *** withered ****** ****** ** ********** * ******* **** *** ****** ****** ****** **** *** *** ******* this ******** Up ** ***** ********** distant ********* ** **** ** * *** ** ********* **** ********* ** **** * **** ****** of *********** **** killed ** ******* as * result ** the **** Because ** the fast-moving ****** rescuers were ****** ** ***** *** town ** time ******* these ********* migrants ** fend *** ******************** **** *** ****** **** Despite *** **** that they seemed ** be safe ** *** **** ** ***** ********* **** died from gamma radiation ******** 10 ** ** days ***** ******* having evaded *** wall ** **** ******* ***** capacity ** ****** fire *** concrete and ******* **** completely ********** by the resulting ********** ****** rain fell in Hiroshima **** ******* ***** the ********** but *** wind ****** ** *** **** **** *** ***** **** *** formed ** *** hot air ******* **** *** concentrated ** *** ***** ************* Kato and Schull **** Thirty minutes ***** *** detonation *** *** ** *** ****** Hiroshima *** clear Because Japanese dwellings are **** of wood *** wind fueled *** ****** ***** spread ********** to * **** ** **** *** **** ****** **** and ultimately **** *** ** the ******* *** ****** **** ********* ** ******* ** *********** wasn't until the next day and *** *** after that that *** workers ******** *** enormity of *** *********** ****** services **** ******** *** ******** *** ******* involved ** *** ****** *** ************** ***************** **** *** ****** 362) *** ****** ********* ** ********* ******** ** ******* ****** *** *** as ****** as *** ***** ******* *** **** *** never evacuated ** ** *** **** ** ********* *** Fukushima *** to lack ** *********** *** ********** near-impossibilitySince *** bomb *** ******** ** * ****** ** roughly **** feet above *** **** ********* *** **** ******* ** * ******* ****** ** ********* ** **** ********* Project **** scientist Robert *********** warned ** *** letter ** the ************ ** *** bomb **** *********** ********* would **** into *** upper *** and ** disseminated *** over *** globeAlthough ***** *** ** ********* * rain washed *********** *********** ******** **** ** ***** This ********* *** carried *** **** Hiroshima survivors **** exposed ** radiation **** **** ****** rain" which ******** a variety ** ****** ********* including ***** ****** *** ********* ****** ************** Kato *** ****** **** ******* the solitary test ********* ******** ** *** Nevada ****** where ***** *** insufficient ******** for **** Oppenheimer *** ****** *** *********** the ****** **** ***** **** **** unable ** ********** ***** *********** *** **** **** *********** ******* is *********** **** the ******* the **** *** its ******** *** ****** devoted ** peace ******* ** *** American ********** ** Japan * *** ******** ************ *** ******* ***** ********* Article 9 ***** *********** ********** ********** ************ *** ******** ********* ***** * spiritual **** ***** Hiroshima ** the ********* of *** *** *** ********* ***** ******** Museum *** ***** ** *********** *** ******* ** ********* *** *** prohibition ** ******* ***************** Kato *** ****** **** ******** ** *** ****** ***** ** ******* ** *** ***** ******** Park are ******* **** ** *********** ***** **** **** *** go *** ***** *** nuclear weapons **** been removed ******** ** people ****** ** * **** ** *********** *** ***** *** **************** ********* ***** has returned ** ****** for *** ***** **** ***** *** ****** ****** As * consequence ** *** ***** of ***** ****** ****** ** Denver ******** *** ******* ** ******* levels ** radiation **** those in ********* and ******** ********* of ********* report **** ***** ** * ******* ** ******* ********* *** highest ********** ********* **** *** ****** *** ** ***** ****** ** *** world ***** ***** ******* are ********** ** medium ** **** *** ******* Hiroshima is ******** *** *** ******* incredible ******* beauty and * ******** occurrence that **** long ** linked ** ******* weapons and peace *** ** ** **** * wonderful and challenging ******** ************* ********* E Scott * * and ***** S Weiner **** *** ****** ******* ** Hiroshima ***** ** ******* ****** ******** ** *** ****** Scientists *** ******* 157-165Fujita Shoichiro Hiroo **** *** ******* J ****** **** **** ********** **** ******** ** the atomic bombing of ********** ******* of ********* ******** 304 ******* ************ * (2000) ***** ***** Students' *********** ** ********** ************ ***** *** ** *** the ****** ******* ** Hiroshima *** **********

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