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Write a 4 page essay on Childhood obesity by Dr. Kai / evaluation.Download file to see previous pages... The interviewer who is mainly a reporter probes more information from both children and the doc

Write a 4 page essay on Childhood obesity by Dr. Kai / evaluation.

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The interviewer who is mainly a reporter probes more information from both children and the doctors. This is by interrogating doctors about their views concerning the method they have preferred to prevent obesity besides eating “smart”. Relevance to the project The source’s relevance to the study is valid, which is evident from the on goings found in video. Mainly, the entire video’s content regards obesity among children where both Drs. Eraj Basseri and Kai believe the only way to eliminate obesity is to sensitize children about its negative effects. This is in spite of informing their parents about giving them “smart” food whereas the minors ought to take the initiative of protecting themselves by being active. Hence discouraging sedentary lifestyle, this is very rampant among the teenagers: for example, the 4Th graders. In addition, prove of this source’s relevance is evident from the main two broadcasters’ introduction regarding the two Doctors’ volunteer program. They report the Doctors’ core message regards children eating “smart” and exercising daily as an effective way to prevent obesity. Use of evidence Drs. Eraj Basseri and Kai Nishi reveal that in every five children one is obese due to the absence of adequate, effective and timely information about the essence of active life (Obesity Facts and info). Therefore, they have taken the initiative to sensitize all the public schools regarding obesity and showing children how to protect themselves from the pandemic. Doctors Eraj Basseri and Kai Nishi advocate that children should exercise constantly where on an average day, one ought to either walk or jog 10,000 steps. Dr. Kai Nishi in this video while interviewed by the reporter contends that it is better to prevent obesity among the children than deal with its results at an advanced stage. Therefore, by sensitizing children at that level, it will help in curbing the increasing obesity pandemic as argued by Dr. Eraj Basseri. The use of evidence in this source is extremely effective and commendable, which increases its validity and reliance despite the video having a very short duration. Clarity and organization The information delivered by both doctors and other parties involved in this video is clear, which is via interrogation. Hence, this ensures sourcing out the most required information in brief. However, the entire video’s content does not give the exact rates to show how the past and present statistics relate, for comparison. This raises doubts despite people being aware of the obesity’s prevalence among the children. The source’s organization entails an informal interview, which characterizes media especially when sourcing essential information from diverse personalities. In addition, this organization has helped to gather and pass the required information to its audience. This is evident from the content’s presentation, which starts with an introduction by the broadcasters in the studio, before proceeding to the field where both doctors and children are exercising. Mainly, this is a common method used by media and numerous sources encompassing video showing. Timeliness The source’s content gives a clear picture of the current state about the increasing obesity pandemic.

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