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Write a 4 page essay on Globalization Master.Download file to see previous pages... (Peter Drucker, 1993) (1)Here the goals of helpful to think 'achievable' as 'possible' and 'realistic' as 'probable'

Write a 4 page essay on Globalization Master.

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(Peter Drucker, 1993) (1)Here the goals of helpful to think 'achievable' as 'possible' and 'realistic' as 'probable'. Working through the 'realistic' criteria identifies the tension between the current state and desired state. Moreover the organizations which aim for the globalization of manufacturing should have an aggressive expansion strategy and wants to fund this expansion debt free by freeing up capital tied up in other assets.

The definition of globalization itself manifests its impact on the manufacturing logistics. To most economists,' globalization' means the closer integration of economies via trade and factor flows. But this permits many interpretations of how this can be measured. Economic geographers define the globalization as the shifts in the location of economic activity subsequent upon shrinking economic distance. On the other hand the critics take the view on globalization to be synonymous with capitalism, big business and multinational corporations. (Crafts and Venables (2001, p. 2)(3)

2. Crafts, N. and Venables, A. J. (2001) 'Globalization in history: a Geographical perspective', London School of Economics, paper prepared for the NBER conference on 'Globalization in economic perspective'.

interactions in each economy between ...

2. Crafts, N. and Venables, A. J. (2001) 'Globalization in history: a Geographical perspective', London School of Economics, paper prepared for the NBER conference on 'Globalization in economic perspective'.


interactions in each economy between the external facets of globalization like e.g. shrinking economic distance, greater trade or the spread of international production that apply to the economy and internal factors that affect its employment response. The major impact of globalization as follows.

1. Globalization causes to manufacturing companies the converging of product prices between exporting and importing countries, a good indirect measure of economic distance between economies. Globalization is also manifested in rising flows of products, intermediate inputs, equipment, services, finance like loans, FDI and portfolio investment, information, technology and skills. But here the companies has to face challenges in interpreting outcome measures when the measures reflect other factors than globalization and when the closer integration of economies does not result in greater trade or other flows.

2. Globalization enables the manufacturing companies to a vast Policy liberalization .This includes policies to facilitate freer trade, direct investment, borrowing and portfolio investment, privatization etc. And also it ensures measures of 'openness' ,most often trade/GDP ratios and of trade liberalization like nominal tariffs, relative exchange rates, black market premia on exchange rates or qualitative indices of liberalization 4.

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