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Write a 4 page essay on Integrating software applications in cloud-Enabled Enterprises methodology.Download file to see previous pages... 2. To implement software applications that enabled BYOD in the

Write a 4 page essay on Integrating software applications in cloud-Enabled Enterprises methodology.

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2. To implement software applications that enabled BYOD in the Enterprise domain. 3. To implement security protocols for BYOD devices that meet the needs of Enterprise frame working This chapter develops a research methodology for pursuing the objectives. The chapter includes research methods section that identifies the proposed methods for implementing the study, research design, and role of the researchers, the study’s facilitators, research participants, and instrumentation for the study. The section also discusses validity and reliability of the selected data collection instruments, data collection procedure, proposed data analysis approach and pilot study for the research. Research method The descriptive study proposes a mixed research approach for investigating its objectives. The method will be explored through field study. It integrates qualitative and quantitative techniques and has the advantages of minimizing weaknesses of each of the techniques and optimizing the techniques’ strengths. Its advantages and its correspondence to the scope of the research justify its source. Data that is collected in quantitative techniques reflect on the actual value in an occurrence and not a researcher’s perception. ...

Such data will inform needs in organizations’ computing systems and consequences of such needs towards development of optimal integrated systems with suitable software applications and desirable security measures. Research design Experimental design is proposed for the study’s quantitative approach. Blocked design will be used. It involves observation of data from partitioned sample space and suits the scope of the study that seeks data on features of integrated computing systems that can co-exist with an enterprise’s network, information on software applications are compatible with BYOD in an organization’s network, and security protocols that are suitable for BYOD in an enterprise’s network. Qualitative data will be collected based on participants’ experiences. The research design is predetermined and is therefore fixed. Role of the group members The group members will assume active roles in the research process. The group’s roles began with identification of the research’s title and scope, investigations into the study’s background information, and development of the research problem and research objectives. The groupalso assume the role of developing and implementing the research methodology. After data collection, the group will analyze the data and document research findings and recommendations to stakeholders to the study. Facilitators The group will also be facilitators of the study, will facilitate data collection processes, and technical aspects of data analysis and documentation of the study’s findings.

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