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Write a 4 page essay on Language Processing Course Work.Download file to see previous pages... Meanwhile, KW did not exhibit any relation in his auditory and visual lexical decisions as he scores very

Write a 4 page essay on Language Processing Course Work.

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Meanwhile, KW did not exhibit any relation in his auditory and visual lexical decisions as he scores very high marks of 29/30 in the sound to picture matching task but, which is a component of visual lexical decision, but relatively lower marks in the word and non-word discrimination, which is also a component part of auditory lexical decision. This conclusion does not however totally justify the absence of a possible language processing deficiency. Pursuant to the fact that in the test for lexicon decisions, scores for visual presentation were far higher than scores for auditory presentation, it can be also be concluded that KW’s major weakness results from an ability to hold on to abstractive ideas. That is, in the processing of language, KW is not able to make a retentive transfer of knowledge from an abstract source to a reproductive source (Norris, 1994). Due to the weaknesses in the degree of retention, KW always prefers to have a more visible source of language processing source like visuals and other images, which would by themselves hold memory for reproduction and interpretation. There is further justification to the conclusion that KW suffers from an ability to hold on to abstractive idea in the scores synonym judgment. ...

To this end, KW scored lower marks of 33/60 and 36/60. Due to the influence that written presentation has on semantics, it can be said that KW does not have a clinical problem with his semantic system (Patterson and Shewell, 1987). However, there is a lackadaisical ability on his auditory system. In sum, KW suffers impaired dissociation when it comes to spoken and other abstract items. Again, it can be concluded that the phonological output of KW is very question and suspect, with even worse indications of orthographic conversions. This is as a result of his scores in defining and spelling spoken words. Generally, there were high scores with the repetition of words that were spoken to him. This shows a partial mastery of phonological output, but only partial because he could not go on to further make use of this in the definition of words, as marks dropped from 158/160 to 73/320. On the writing to dictation, which borders on orthographic conversions, there is evidence that KW has a problem with conversion from phonological output to orthography because there was a declined score of 140/320, which could not even be said to be a medial score. Therapy for KW In identifying or prescribing a therapy for KW, it is important to understand and appreciate the fact that in the attempt to treat cases of word-meaning deafness or any form of auditory process disorder, it is important to approach it from an individualized and deficit-specific perspective (Paivio, Yuille and Madigan, 1968). What this means is that there cannot be an all-right and all-wrong approach to helping KW overcome his situation.

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