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Write a 5 page essay on How does 'Services Response Logistics' differ from 'Logistics.Now I will explain the concern of the services response logistics. Main concern of the SRL is management of the se

Write a 5 page essay on How does 'Services Response Logistics' differ from 'Logistics.

Now I will explain the concern of the services response logistics. Main concern of the SRL is management of the service capacity. Service capacity is the number of consumers for each day the company’s service system is intended to hand out (Hertz et al, 2003). When demand goes above to the capacity, company has to turn away consumers or employ personnel all these steps are taken to increase capacity of company.Managing service capacity comprises the capacity utilization.&nbsp. Capacity utilization used to level demand strategy, because the capacity turns out to be steady in spite of demand. When demand goes above than capacity, line up management strategy arrangement with surplus customers (Rogers et al, 1999).In the situation when demand is higher than capacity, at this time capacity management used for (Bowersox, 2005): &nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Hiring part-Time Employees&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Utilizing consumers- those are hidden employees&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Making use of innovative technology&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Cross-Training & giving out employees&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Utilizing employee setting up strategies&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Utilizing demand management actionsIn the situation when available service capacity exceeds demand, Capacity Management is used for exercising demand management practices and discovering other uses for service capacity. Logistics is only concerned to the forward and backward running and storage of supplies, services and associated information (Hertz et al, 2003). But SRL is used for the management of distribution channels engage customary methods and latest channels that slot in fresh internet technologies.

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