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Write a 5 page essay on Marketing for Nike.In 2005 another definition of marketing was developed by AMA. The new definition highlighted the importance of customer value and the quality of communicatio

Write a 5 page essay on Marketing for Nike.

In 2005 another definition of marketing was developed by AMA. The new definition highlighted the importance of customer value and the quality of communication between the organization and its customers (Ferrell 2012). In 2007 the definition of marketing had to be changed, again, in order to cover a broader audience: the new definition of marketing focuses on the value not just of customers but also ‘of partners and of society at large’ (Ferrell 2012, p.7). In this definition the issue of corporate social responsibility is emphasized (Ferrell 2012). At this point, the need for aligning marketing practices with ethics is made clear. At this point, the application of the above definitions of marketing for NIKE should be explored. NIKE has based its marketing strategy on the needs of its customers (Mourdoukoutas 2012). From this point of view, the organization’s marketing strategy is aligned with the first definition of marketing, as developed by AMA. Another characteristic of NIKE’s marketing strategy is the importance given to the communication with customers. This fact is made clear, for example, in NIKE’s ‘She Runs The Night’ campaign which was introduced by NIKE in order to improve the communication of the organization with ‘its female customers’ (Marketing 2013). ...

The products that the firm developed in order to respond to the demands of such project are presented in Figure 1 below. The first of the images shows NIKE’s new logo while the second and the third images show two products that have been designed in order to help towards the transition to a digital society: ‘a wristband for tracking energy, in the central image, and a watch customized for sports’ (Intelligent HQ 2013). Through such products the firm aims to contribute in the expansion of digital products in daily human activities, a target that it is related to the society at large, and not just to individuals. Thus, NIKE manages to respond to the requirements of the third definition of marketing, as set by AMA. Question B The Marketing Concept reflects the key role of marketing: ‘the satisfaction of customer needs’ (McDonald 2007, p.3). The marketing activities of NIKE seem to be fully aligned with Marketing Concept, as described above. More specifically: a) NIKE tries to respond to the needs of all its customers. the introduction of a marketing campaign for improving the communication of the organization with women (Marketing 2013) denotes NIKE’s willingness to keep all its customers satisfied, b) in 2013 NIKE presented a watch that it is specially customized for sports (Intelligent HQ 2013). this initiative is an effort of NIKE to respond to the need of its customers for wearing a watch even when being involved in sport activities that are quite demanding, c) moreover, NIKE tries to continuously update its product, emphasizing on innovation (Mourdoukoutas 2012).

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