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Write a 5 page essay on Should the Terminally Ill Be Able to Have Physicians Help Them Die.This may be done through the request of a dying patient or that individual’s legal representative Euthanasi

Write a 5 page essay on Should the Terminally Ill Be Able to Have Physicians Help Them Die.

This may be done through the request of a dying patient or that individual’s legal representative Euthanasia may also imply as the practice by physicians of deliberately ending one’s life releasing them from intolerable suffering and an incurable disease. Currently in many countries, Euthanasia is not permitted by law. In fact, one may get life imprisonment. In my view, Euthanasia should be legalized. Since it allows the patients get to die in a rather lesser pain way or lowers prolong suffering as much as possible, the majority of the public in the US believe that Euthanasia should be legal and morally acceptable and in a democratic society a person should be allowed to choose his or her time of death.

The main reason for legalizing euthanasia would be to help the patients with various ailments alleviate their depression, pain and suffering. Many diseases remain incurable despite the resent technology advances thus need to assist patients avoid such a pain. For example, some patients with terrible disease like those in advance stages of cancers have remained trapped in hospital bed with unjustifiable pain and suffering each day which is not fair. This has been despite the fact that they do not wish to endure such pain. We can’t deny the fact that today, patients’ decision to request for a cessation of various treatment, reflecting their personal preference for death as opposed to a continuation of ailments suffering or discomfort.

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