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Write a 5 page essay on The thought after read the economic book.Download file to see previous pages... Beside this book, Schafer has published other books on economics and culture. In this book, Scha

Write a 5 page essay on The thought after read the economic book.

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Beside this book, Schafer has published other books on economics and culture. In this book, Schafer has primarily based on two major aspects, which he believed have a great influence on the world today. These are culture and economics. He therefore, has analyzed these two important factors and evaluated their influence on the world through the historical lenses. His main argument is that the world has been existing in the economic age, since Adam Smith’s work on the Wealth of Nations in 1776. Schafer argues that this economic age has had negative influence in society, and is the source of most of the economic and cultural problems experienced in the world today. Schafer however, makes it clear that the economic age has had considerable positive effects in society, but the negative influence supercedes its positive effects. Although the economic age has led to increased production, economic power, and wealth, to a greater extent, this has resulted in considerable social and economic problems, as some of its effects. In addition, economics has failed to address these negative effects of the economic age. In this book, Schafer has explained the development of the economic age, tracing it from the 1776 work of Adam Smith on The Wealth of Nations to the present century. ...

Nonetheless, this work of Schafer leads to the conclusion that the economic age has failed to realize the desired economic, social, and cultural development and sustainability. Therefore, Schafer recommends that society needs to shift from the economic age, and embrace culture as its main force and source of development and sustainability. Schafer, who is knowledgeable in economics, and author of this book, has his own personal views about this book, which he shared with different people in interviews, and other channels through which he was asked to comment on them. In August 2009, the Upper Case, of the University of Ottawa, held an interview with Schafer, about this book, and about what influenced him to write the book. Upper Case is affiliated with UOP, which publishes Canadian and other books by international scholars in both English and French languages, and these books are peer-reviewed. This has been publishing since 1936. However, Upper Case mainly performs interviews on authors, writing biographies of authors, writing book reviews, and posting notifications about book launches and related events (Upper Case WEB). During the interview with Upper Case, Schafer was expected to discuss his career, and how it influenced the ideas expressed in this book. He explained that he originally trained in economics and international development, before undertaking another different training in the field of culture. Therefore, his knowledge in these two areas of economics and culture, laid the foundation for the ideas in this book. He was particularly influenced by Adam Smith’s work of The Wealth of Nations, which made him study culture too.

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