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Write a 5 pages paper on guglielmo marconi: the development of the inventions. He also studied in Florence and at a later part in his life in Livorno. Guglielmo never did well as far as his studies we

Write a 5 pages paper on guglielmo marconi: the development of the inventions. He also studied in Florence and at a later part in his life in Livorno. Guglielmo never did well as far as his studies were concerned. He was a member of the Anglican Church and he was Catholic who was baptized.

Guglielmo was involved in a scandal called the Italian Navy Coherer Scandal. it is believed that he stole the work of Jagadish Chandra Bose, an Indian who is very renowned for his contribution in the field of Science. This happened because Jagadish Chandra Bose’s work could not be accepted because of the British rule, the British Administration made sure that his work never got published and it is very strongly believed that Guglielmo stole the work of Jagdish and came to the limelight. Guglielmo had a keen interest in Science and especially in Electricity right from the early years. During the time of Guglielmo, the invention of the electromagnetic waves took place and this was invented by Heinrich Hertz. The death of Hertz threw more light upon his discoveries, and this further intrigued Guglielmo, who got very motivated and decided to invent something unseen by the world. He conducted experiments by setting up his own devices and material required to carry out the experiment. His main goal was to use radio waves to create wireless telegraphy. This meant that the transmission of the wireless messages got across without using any wires.

This was not a new subject that Guglielmo was working on, research had been already done on this subject, and he just utilized whatever had been researched about the subject. Guglielmo used many important parts in this experiment. Parts like an oscillator, spark-producing radio transmitters, a telegraph key were used in his experiments. Other researchers also used the spark-gap transmitters, but they could not get the transmission to cover a long-range, the transmission usually covered a few hundred meters. The case was no different for Guglielmo. he also got limited transmission when he first attempted the experiment. But at a later stage he experimented outdoors, he increased the length of the transmitter and the radio antenna, which resulted in a very big success. The transmission improved drastically and he was able to transmit signals with a range of roughly about 1.5 kilometers. He concluded that he required funding to invent a device that could take this forward. He believed that this experiment would be very useful if it becomes an invention to the military personnel as they would be able to transmit signals easily.

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