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Write a 5 pages paper on poli. Common liberal thoughts place a considerable amount of value on factors like the constitution, free and fair elections, democracy, free trade, rights and freedoms of hum

Write a 5 pages paper on poli. Common liberal thoughts place a considerable amount of value on factors like the constitution, free and fair elections, democracy, free trade, rights and freedoms of human beings and the separation of the church from the state among other issues.

Classical liberalism advocates for the establishment of a society that works towards promoting the freedoms of individuals and recognizing the importance of universal human dignity. In her book, Ellen Grigsby correlates the values stood for by classical liberalism with the Republican Party of the United States (Grigsby, 96).

One feature of classical liberalism is that there is particular emphasis on the economics of the free market. This is a market that operates without undue interference by the government, allowing the market forces to determine prices of basic and general goods and services. The government role is limited to being constitutional, and the creator and enforcer of the rule of law. Another feature of this form of liberalism is that the government and other social structures and arrangements are the creation of human beings, justified in the promotion of justice among the government systems and the population at large, establishment of order and the enhancement and protection of human beings’ natural rights.

In addition, this form of liberalism posits that the rights and freedoms of individuals are inherent (Grigsby, 96). These inherent rights include but are not limited to life, property and liberty. This theory recognizes that all individuals possess inherent worth and dignity. Another major feature is that whilst every human being enjoys equal dignity and rights, inequality of humans in interests, talents among other qualities is considered an indispensable aspect of the human state.

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