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Write a 5 pages paper on significance of critical infrastructure. Securing critical infrastructure is no longer a choice but a must for a country to thrive. Presently, there are many cyber intrusion a

Write a 5 pages paper on significance of critical infrastructure. Securing critical infrastructure is no longer a choice but a must for a country to thrive. Presently, there are many cyber intrusion attempts and those that have been successful have ended with the loss of information, clients, and even death at times (Cornish & Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2011). Cyber threats to critical infrastructure continue to increase prompting governments to develop policies that would enhance security. Most governments have acknowledged the importance of cybersecurity and have hence devised ways to stay ahead of the cybercriminals mostly through raising awareness and working in collaboration with the private sector towards a more secure world.

From a historical perspective, critical infrastructure has not always been as important as it is in today’s world. In the past, before technological advancement became as pronounced as it is today, people had not embraced technology and thus it was not a key factor in economic performance. However, since the industrial revolution, critical infrastructure began acquiring importance from the economic perspective. Critical infrastructure has evolved a lot since the 1700s. This is because the 1700s did not have road networks and the 20th century marked the first century of critical infrastructure because the development of road networks began at this period. The post-Cold War world brought new vulnerabilities and threats. Terrorism developed later on and the need to secure critical infrastructure heightened because of the factors at stake if an attack was to take place. Cybersecurity has also evolved since the development of the Internet during the 1980s (Wilshusen, 2011). First, there were numerous vulnerabilities that could be affected by computer viruses and then came other sophisticated hacking techniques.&nbsp.With the recent development of cloud computing, people’s data and information are at greater risk and the need to secure it is at its highest. This is because as technology evolves making communication easier, new vulnerabilities are identified and exploited by the application of sophisticated techniques.

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