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Write a 7 page essay on Importance of Early Childhood Experiences on Bowlbys theory.According to Bowlby's theory of attachment, the attachment is a psychological connectedness occurring between human

Write a 7 page essay on Importance of Early Childhood Experiences on Bowlbys theory.

According to Bowlby's theory of attachment, the attachment is a psychological connectedness occurring between human beings and last for a long of time. In Bowlby’s assertion of attachment theory, attachment keeps a baby connected to his mother, especially when the needs of the child are considered to be only be satisfied by his parent. Attachment theory is characterized by factors such as safe heaven, where children rely on caregivers for comfort at dangerous times. secure base, where good and reliable foundation is given to children by their caregivers. proximity maintenance, where children look to explore the world and still want to remain close to their caregivers. and separation distress, which explains why children become sorrowful and unhappy when they are separated from their care givers. On the other hand, authors such as Freud and Dann (1951) Genie (1977) Czech Twins Romanian Orphans (Rutter et al), have identified styles of attachment observed in relationships. Some of these styles include: secure attachment, where children are glad for their caregivers around, but very unhappy when left alone. ambivalent attachment, where children get sorrowful and upset when separated from their caregivers. avoidant attachment, where children tend to keep away from their parents. and disorganized attachment, especially where there is no defined attachment between the caregiver and the children. Several studies have it that determining styles of attachment in social relationships have a long lasting impact on the future emotional.

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