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Write a 7 page essay on Theorizing Capitalist Society.The paper will also demonstrate the aspect of functionalism in the nursing homes as well as the dysfunctions.According to Durkheim & Anthony (1972

Write a 7 page essay on Theorizing Capitalist Society.

The paper will also demonstrate the aspect of functionalism in the nursing homes as well as the dysfunctions.

According to Durkheim & Anthony (1972), the theory of structural functionalism claims that society is best understood as a complex system with several interdependent components, which operate together to maintain stability. Functionalism remained the most dominant approach in sociology for a long period in US and Europe. There are several fundamental elements that hold for all approaches of functionalism in sociology.

The first element is that social systems are made up of parts that are interconnected. The underlying interconnections help the social system to maintain their primary function. It is imperative to note that function or purpose of a social system holds the rationale of the existence of such a system (Durkheim & Anthony, 1972). The moment a social system becomes functionless the existence of the system loses logic. The society strives to maintain the interconnections between the social systems, as any malfunction due to poor connection could be disastrous to the society.

The second fundamental element of functionalism is that the sections of a scheme can be unspoken in expressions of how everyone adjoins to meeting the needs of the total. Any system gets its meaning from the benefits that people in the society reap from it (Durkheim & Anthony, 1972). Any explanation that does not include the benefit of the system to the people is not complete. One cannot separate the understanding of the system from its contribution.

The third element is that social systems strive to uphold some equilibrium among them, as an alteration in one part of the system leads to alterations to other elements of the whole. Anytime there is a disturbance in the equilibrium due to a failure of a single social system, the equilibrium shifts

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