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Write a 750-1000 word essay about a topic in which you argue for the existence of a particular phenomenon by stating a generalization about the topic. Then you will support that generalization (in the

Write a 750-1000 word essay about a topic in which you argue for the existence of a particular phenomenon by stating a generalization about the topic. Then you will support that generalization (in the form of a thesis statement) by choosing to write a single-example illustration essay or a multiple-example illustration essay

Stylistic details: All essays must meet the following requirements:

  • 750-1000 words.
  • Write in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.
  • Include one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Use double spacing (top-to-bottom every page, to include above and below titles and centered words).
  • Include an APA title page (for all essays) and reference list that includes all of the sources used in the essay.
  • Include a header.
  • Include page numbers (upper-right corner only).
  • At least one source is required. All sources used must be cited.

 Do not use textbooks, general encyclopedias, or general information websites, such as

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*********************** ******* ** ** banned ** ****** ****** ************* ************ ************* *********************************** *** cigarette ******* in ****** ***** ****** *** ** banned due ** **** ******* stated in **** ***** Cigarette ******* ** ****** ****** today is * *********** ****** **** people *** ** ** **** ********** the ******* *** **** **** on **** sides ** *** ******** *** **** **** **** *** ******* ** ****** ******* ******* ** ****** ***** is **** and ***** ** ****** ** ******* *** ***** **** **** ***** ******** ******* *** banning ** ** **** ****** ** nonsmokers ***** *** ***** ****** ** risk ****** ** unfavorable *** them to interact ** go ** ****** areas ***** ***** are ******* **** or **** middle ****** ** present on the subject ** *** topic ** ******* ******* *** ****** against ******* **** taken further steps ** ********* the ************ of ******* in ****** ***** ********* this *** caused *** ************ of laws **** *** ******* ******* ** specified areas ** ****** such as **** restaurants ***** and ** **** ****** ** **** as **** ******* *** ******* ** ********* Smoking marks * ***** *********** ********* ******* ********* of **** ********** and ******* ******** ** ****** ** *** *** ** **** ** *** **** ****** most ******* bans *** *********** **************** ********* people argue **** banning ******* ** public areas ** ********* **** **** ***** ****** This may ** true ***** ******* **** ****** *** *** ****** ****** *** ** ********** **** ** *** time ********* ** ******** ********* ****** ****** **** ** ******* ******* ********* ******* ***** far **** away from ********* so **** *** ********* smoke cannot ****** *** ********** The fallacy here ** **** the author ******** ** * sweeping claim by ***** *** word ********** Furthermore *** ****** ***** ** *** ********** that cigarette smoke **** *** ****** ********** ** fact the ***** ****** **** those ********** ***** ****** moves from ***** ****** ** ***** ** a venue ***** smoking is prohibited The *** quality research ********* **** in ******* places **** **** ********** smoking zones *** **** **** ***** *** ******** ** ******* ********* than *********** with **** smoke-free ******** ******** 2015)The ******* mentioned **** employees *** ***** ** ********** ** ** ******* ** stressful situations *** ** smoking ** *** ******* at **** then the ********* **** ** **** ********** Here *** fallacy is **** *** ******* are ******** the ******** ** ******** *** ****** to ****** accept the assumption without ****** **** ***** ** **** there *** other ******* for ************ ***** ** **** ****** ***** Conducted * study on *** ************ level ** both smokers *** *********** ** *** ********* The ******** of *** ***** **** that ******** ******* and *********** really **** ********** **** *** recent ********** ****** **** *** ******* ** *********** ******* in public ***** ** ***** **** *** **** They ****** **** ********* ******* *** ****** ** go ** these ***** ** ******* ** *** ******* and *** ********** ***** *** **** profit **** ******* ******* ******** the ****** here is ***** ***** he ** missing *** ***** *** argument is about *** ******* of ******* ******* ** smokers *** *********** *** *** on ************ ******* is ****** ** public ****** **** would **** an ********** ** it in ***** **** *** **** can **** others ** ***** ***** specifically kids *** ****** **** **** logical analysis which ****** **** *** here he ** ***** * ******** ***** ******* ** **** mentioned **** individuals smoking ** ***** ********** *** ***** **** ******* **** they would **** ***** ** ** *** *** **** ** ** ***** * weak ******* by ********** smoking ** ******** ******** ******** *** ******* *** **** ********* **** ******** really ***** in *** relevant ******** ******** *** *** ******* are drinkers ****** 2016)Giving ******* ****** the ****** ****** that a ****** ***** ******* own healthcare ** *** **** ***** they *** ** ******* **** he ******** **** ******* ******* *** **** to give ** *** to being ******** ** ******** *** ******* here ** *** ******* *** ****** **** off ** a ************* fact **** ******* *** unlikely ** quit *** author assumes **** ******* will ** ********** **** the **** that he has *** ***** *** ******** ** to *** **** would be **** ****** ******** other ****** given is that it *** ** ********* ** ban ******* ** **** ** *** ****** ****** anyway The ****** **** ** ********* ** ********* *** ***** ***** evidence and ** ***** * conclusion **** **** **** ** evidenceConclusion It ** *** ************** ** ********** ** ****** ******* ** *** ** ***** smoking ****** ** ********** ** **** ** ******** *** ********** *** **** ********* *** ********** *** choose ******* ** *** **** want ** ****** themselves to smoky ******** Governments’ ********* ** *** ******* does *** solve *** ******* ******* *** ban **** ***** the businesses *** **** the permissions ** tax ****** American ********* ******* * ********** think that *** essay ** *** **** ********** as ** fails to discuss ****** risks *** well-being issues ***** *** ********** * **** ******** *** ***** ****** (WHO ***** ***** ** Tobacco ******* Regulation ****************************** * ************ ****** ****** **** Wiley ***** ******************* ****** ****** *** Smoking ****** *** ** BannedLeger * ****** Socioeconomic impact of ******** InInsomnia(pp 35-46) *** ******** Study Group on Tobacco ******* ********** ****** Advisory ***** Water pipe ******* ******** ****** ******* ******** needs *** *********** actions for **********

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