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Write a 8 page essay on E-Marketing/Online Marketing.Download file to see previous pages... The website should present a logical road map. The logical road map is significantly important for the user

Write a 8 page essay on E-Marketing/Online Marketing.

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The website should present a logical road map. The logical road map is significantly important for the user experience and SEO. Wire framing of the website should be perfect. The structure and content of the website should be designed in a precise way which will get good priority from Google and it will rank the website according to that. Navigation in the website should be convenient for the users or visitors. Visitors or users come across lots of websites daily. But easily comprehendible websites create attraction in the minds of the customers. Website interface should be easily understandable and it should not create any confusion in the minds of the users. All the important links should be present in the website and all those links should be easily clickable. Good usage of colors makes website attractive. Book Bunker should use appropriate color scheme by using two three primary colures. It will give an attractive outlook to the website. But the selection of primary colors should be absolutely proper and blending of those colors should set a proper tone for the bookstore business. In the modern world, graphics are the integral parts of any business website. The company should introduce meaningful graphics into their website. Generally, page texts are boring in nature. Meaningful graphics will provide attractive appeal and visual variety to the user of the website. Graphics should not be overloaded at all, means there should be the proportionate combination of both texts and graphics.

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