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Write a 9 pages paper on contamination of water. Mercury has been detected in fish tissues that are found in contaminated water bodies and when these fishes are consumed, it could affect human health.

Write a 9 pages paper on contamination of water. Mercury has been detected in fish tissues that are found in contaminated water bodies and when these fishes are consumed, it could affect human health. Those who drink contaminated water to eating raw shellfish from contaminated water bodies also run the risk from bacteria and viral pathogens generated through water pollution. Water pollution can impact the entire ecosystem. When water bodies are enriched with nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous, algae and other aquatic plants could be grown in those water bodies and they then clog the streams. The discharge from such streams is polluted which when falls on the river bed, pollutes the fishes. When these fishes are consumed by human, their health experiences adverse effects. Thus even when contaminated water is not directly consumed, the consumption of fishes or other foods that have been nourished by this water can impact the humans.&nbsp.Mercury has been detected in fish tissues that are found in contaminated water bodies and when these fishes are consumed, it could affect human health. Those who drink contaminated water to eating raw shellfish from contaminated water bodies also run the risk from bacteria and viral pathogens generated through water pollution. Water pollution can impact the entire ecosystem. When water bodies are enriched with nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous, algae and other aquatic plants could be grown in those water bodies and they then clog the streams. The discharge from such streams is polluted which when falls on the river bed, pollutes the fishes. When these fishes are consumed by human, their health experiences adverse effects. Thus even when contaminated water is not directly consumed, the consumption of fishes or other foods that have been nourished by this water can impact the humans.&nbsp. A study by the United States Government Accountability Office (Stepehnson, 2007) contends that perchlorate can be readily dissolved and transported and it has been found in groundwater, surface water, soil, or public drinking water systems at almost 400 sites across the country in varying concentrations. More than one-third of the sites are public drinking water systems where perchlorate concentrations ranged from 4 to 420 ppb. Perchlorate is a chemical, a rocket fuel contaminant that is used by Department of Defense (DOD), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the defense industry in the manufacturing, testing, and firing of missiles and rockets. It is also used to manufacture automobile airbags, fireworks, flares, and commercial explosives. One of the ways that human is exposed to perchlorate is by ingesting it in drinking water and food. Low-level perchlorate exposure adversely affects the thyroid and increases the risk of neurodevelopment impairment in fetuses of pregnant women. Perchlorate can interfere with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland as it inhibits the transportation of the iodide into the thyroid. This ultimately affects the production of the thyroid hormones. It has also been found that the fetus depends on an adequate supply of maternal thyroid hormone for the development of the central nervous system especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Factors like these forced the Government to issue drinking water regulations for more than 90 contaminants.&nbsp.

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