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Write a draft of your paper, incorporating the evidence and including explanations of why the evidence supports the claims. This paper, recall is an argumentative paper, with a topic of your choosing

Write a draft of your paper, incorporating the evidence and including explanations of why the evidence supports the claims. This paper, recall is an argumentative paper, with a topic of your choosing. You are expected to examine an issue in your thesis, and assess solutions to some degree. Please review guidelines posted to this module, or you can scroll down. 

This paper must include information drawn from outside sources (the research you have been doing on your topic), which must be cited appropriately (in text and with a works cited list at the end of the paper). Take into consideration the rubric we discussed in class:

--4-5 pages

--12-point font, double-spaced

--Creative title should be present

--4-5 quotations with in-text citations after quotations (according to MLA). Google Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. if you need a refresher. 

--Your thesis should be present in the first two paragraphs, should be argumentative, and should contain reasons for what you are arguing

--Evidence should back up these claims in the body of the essay--


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Here is a short overview of the principles of citation

Actions (why do it, what needs to be cited, and how to do it). For exact details on how to use the MLA system, visit one of the following MLA Citation guides. These will give you the basics on how to format your in-text citations and works cited page:

  • The MLA pageLinks to an external site. at the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)
  • The MLA page Links to an external Western Oregon University
  • The MLA guideLinks to an external site. from Highline Community College (PDF)

Read From Outline To First Draft for more on how to turn an outline into a draft of an essay.


Here is a reminder of the essay instructions.

Write an argumentative/persuasive essay on the assigned topic. Your essay should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words, and should have the following features. (On the final draft, each of the numbered items below will receive a score between 0 and 4. The grade will be the average of those scores. On this draft, I will just comment on the areas that need the most work, and assign an overall score between 0 and 5, for homework credit.)

  1. A unified, coherent thesis, which all parts of the essay support
  2. A logical organization that divides the essay into parts or sections, each part or section supporting a main claim that contributes to proving the thesis
  3. Evidence that provides sufficient support for each claim (given the space limits you are working within), relevant to the claim it is supporting, and representative of its object.
  4. Explanation of the evidence that shows why the evidence supports the claim, and how the claim relates to the thesis.
  5. The style is objective, formal, concise, precise and varied
  6. Correct mechanics (spelling, punctuation, and grammar)

Have a look at the detailed rubric for a description of what will earn a 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 for each of these criteria.

Essay Format

Please be sure to follow these instructionsLinks to an external site. when formatting your essay for submission.

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