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Write a four page paper (excluding title page, references and any appendices) in which you respond to the following case question: Font Courier New...

Write a four page paper (excluding title page, references and any appendices) in which you respond to the following case question: Font Courier New 12 PT No word limit.Case QuestionIdentify the various prospective "flying vehicles" referred to in the readings below.On page one:1. Using the information provided and any aditional research you conduct, develop a table describing the flying vehicles discussed in terms of the attributes in which buyers are likely to be interested. (10%)2. Include in the table the possible segments to which the flying vehicles might be targetted and below the table write a short description of each indicating the most important characteristics and requirements you believe these possible buyers might have that are particularly relevant to the distribution strategy you develop (see point 4). (10%)On Page two:3. List and explain alternative distribution strategies and the factors which are generally important in making a channel strategy decision. (20%)On pages three and four: 4. Choose TWO flying vehicles from the table and using the information from items 1., 2., and 3. describe an appropriate distribution strategy for each one, using one page each. The two flying vehicles you select must be related to DIFFERENT SEGMENTS. In describing your proposed distribution strategies explain your reasoning for recommending them, referring to the information in the table in item 1. above as well as the map of U.S. airports accessible below and ensuring that you indicate to which segment(s) your chosen flying vehicles are targetted. (60%)

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