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Write a program to copy an existing text file from your hard disk to another file that you will call: Your Last Name.txt, e.g. if your last name was Smith, the output file name would be Smith.txt.

Write a program to copy an existing text file from your hard disk to another file that you will call:  Your Last Name.txt, e.g. if your last name was Smith, the output file name would be  Smith.txt.  You can create a text file and add two or three lines of text to it.  You may use the attached program as your program or write your own.  Please note the inclusion of <fstream> at the top of the program.  Also pay attention to the open and close statements in the program.

// File: CopyFile.cpp// Copies file InData.txt to file OutData.txt

#include <cstdlib>     // for the definition of EXIT_FAILURE#include <fstream>     // required for external file streams#include <iostream>using namespace std;

// Associate stream objects with external file names#define inFile "InData.txt"#define outFile "OutData.txt"

// Functions used ...// Copies one line of textint copyLine(ifstream&, ofstream&);

int main(){

   // Local data ...   int lineCount;    // output: number of lines processed   ifstream ins;     // ins is as an input stream   ofstream outs;    // outs is an output stream

   // Open input and output file, exit on any error.;      // connects ins to file inFile   if ( ())   {      cerr << "*** ERROR: Cannot open " << inFile            << " for input." << endl;      return EXIT_FAILURE;    // failure return   }  // end if;     // connect outs to file outFile   if (   {      cerr << "*** ERROR: Cannot open " << outFile           << " for output." << endl;      return EXIT_FAILURE;    // failure return   }  // end if

   // Copy each character from inData to outData.   lineCount = 0;   do   {      if (copyLine(ins, outs) != 0)         lineCount++;   } while (!ins.eof());

   // Display a message on the screen.   cout << "Input file copied to output file." << endl;   cout << lineCount << " lines copied." << endl;

   ins.close();           // close input file stream    outs.close();        // close output file stream       return 0;       // successful return}

// Copy one line of text from one file to another// Pre:     ins is opened for input and outs for output.// Post:    Next line of ins is written to outs.//          The last character processed from ins is <nwln>;//          the last character written to outs is <nwln>.// Returns: The number of characters copyLine   (ifstream& ins,          // IN: ins stream    ofstream& outs)         // OUT: outs stream{   // Local data ...   const char NWLN = '\n';          // newline character

   char nextCh;                    // inout: character buffer   int charCount = 0;              // number of characters copied

   // Copy all data characters from stream ins to    //    stream outs.   ins.get(nextCh);   while ((nextCh != NWLN) && !ins.eof())   {      outs.put(nextCh);      charCount++;      ins.get (nextCh);   }  // end while

   // If last character read was NWLN write it to outs.   if (!ins.eof())   {      outs.put(NWLN);      charCount++;   }   return charCount;}  // end copyLine

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