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Write an 750-1,000 word paper that analyzes the mission, vision, and value statements for a health care organization of your choosing. (Mission...
Write an 750-1,000 word paper that analyzes the mission, vision, and value statements for a health care organization of your choosing. (Mission statements may sometimes be labeled as "purpose." If there are multiple statements for your organization, please use the one designated as a "mission" statement.) Be sure to address the following:
- State the mission and vision of the organization.
- Critique the mission and value from the selected organization as a starting point for strategic planning and plan development, utilizing the criteria listed in Chapter 6 of the textbook. Does the mission have characteristics of a good mission statement according to the textbook? Does the vision have characteristics of a good vision statement according to the textbook?
From the text book:
ItIt should be short, about 200 to 300 words, definitely no more thana single page. Drafting a concise mission statement can pose a chal-lenge for many executive teams that are inclined to describe atlength the premise of the organization.•It should be memorable (one reason for the brevity). Key stake-holders, certainly the managers and employees, should be able toremember it, almost verbatim, and explain it to someone elsewithout hesitating. It should be stated in broad enough terms to allow for the genera-tion and consideration of feasible alternative objectives and strate-gies without unduly stifling management creativity. The generalityof language gives the firm flexibility in adapting to changingexternal environments and internal operations.•It should be expansive in a way that reconciles differences among,and still appeals to, an organization's diverse stakeholders(employees, managers, shareholders, board of directors, customers,suppliers, distributors, creditors, government regulators and payers,labor unions, competitors, public interest groups, communitygroups, media, and the general public). All stakeholders' claims onan organization cannot be satisfied with equal emphasis. A goodmission statement indicates the relative attention that an organiza-tion will give to the interests of different stakeholders.It suggests where managers should be looking for future opportu-nity, and steers them away from other areas. It provides a basis forgenerating and screening strategic options, and selecting specificstrategies to implement.•It highlights the points of differentiation with other businesses, par-ticularly competitors, and sets forth the basis for the firm's competi-tive advantage.•It arouses positive feelings and emotions about the organization andan individual's role within it. It attracts and deters potential staff. Itgives the impression that the firm is successful, knows what it isdoing, is professionally managed, has direction, and is worthy oftime, support, and investment.•It is communicated to, understood by, and embraced by all membersof the organization.•It is more pragmatic, with a more immediate purpose, than a visionstatement.
A vision could be viewed as a kind of "dream" that motivates anddrives the organization. It is definitely different from what theorganization has now and appears to be a significant improvement.The difference between the current reality described in the missionstatement and the idealized future described in the vision statementrepresents a significant "stretch" for the organization. The vision isbold and there is some uncertainty about whether it can be achieved. •However, the vision statement is grounded in reality and it is pos-sible. It reflects a solid understanding of the organization's resourcesand competencies, in the context of the opportunities and threatsthat exist in the external environment.•It will be challenging for employees to accomplish the vision. Theywill have to develop new abilities, dedicate themselves passionatelyto the effort, and perform at their very highest levels. A truly sharedvision gets employees excited, makes them feel proud to be part ofthe organization that is pursuing it. They want to tell their friendswhat they are doing.•All the firm's stakeholders find something appealing about thevision, an aspect of it that serves their interests. It is flexible and adaptable enough to allow managers and employees to display indi-vidual initiative in pursuing it. It is capable of being communicatedto all interested parties.
3.Identify the major organizational resources needed to accomplish the mission and vision. (Competency 1:3)
4.Identify strategies to effectively manage resources to fulfil the organization's mission. (Competency 1:4)
5.Describe the substance of an organization's strategic objectives and the contribution they make to the strategic planning process.