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Write the output for each section of print statements?

Write the output for each section of print statements?

public interface Traits


public String getName();

public String getTitle();


public class Employee implements Traits


private String myName;

private String myTitle;

protected double mySalary;

private int myAge;

public Employee(String name, String title, double salary, int age)


myName = name;

myTitle = title;

mySalary = salary;

myAge = age;


public String getName()


return myName;


public String getTitle()


return myTitle;


public double getSalary()


return mySalary;


public int getAge()


return myAge;


public void raiseSalary(int percent)


mySalary = mySalary + percent * 0.01 * mySalary;


public void raiseSalary(int percent, int cost_of_living_adjustment)


mySalary = mySalary + percent * 0.01 * mySalary + cost_of_living_adjustment * 0.01 * mySalary;


public class Manager extends Employee


private int yearsWorked;

private String highestDegree;

private double promotionBonus;

public Manager(String name, String title, double salary, int age, int experience, String degree, double bonus)


super(name, title, salary, age);

yearsWorked = experience; highestDegree = degree; promotionBonus = bonus;


public int getExperience()

{ return yearsWorked;


public String getDegree()


return highestDegree;


public double getBonus()


return promotionBonus;


public void raiseSalary(int percent)


mySalary = mySalary + percent * 0.01 * mySalary + promotionBonus;



public class Test


public static void main(String args[])


Manager m = new Manager("John Doe", "Department Head", 100000.0, 55, 30, "PhD", 5000.0);

Employee e1 = new Employee("Jane Doe", "Resource Analyst", 75000.0, 40);

Employee e2 = new Employee("Jim Doe", "Engineer", 85000.0, 46);

System.out.println("Name : " + m.getName()); System.out.println("Title : " + m.getTitle());

System.out.println("Age : " + m.getAge()); System.out.println("Years of Experience : " + m.getExperience());

System.out.println("Highest Degree Earned : " + m.getDegree()); System.out.println("Salary : " + m.getSalary());

System.out.println("Promotion Bonus : " + m.getBonus()); m.raiseSalary(10);

System.out.println("Salary Raised!");

System.out.println("New Salary : " + m.getSalary());


System.out.println("Name : " + e1.getName());

System.out.println("Title : " + e1.getTitle());

System.out.println("Age : " + e1.getAge());

System.out.println("Salary : " + e1.getSalary()); e1.raiseSalary(10);

System.out.println("Salary Raised");

System.out.println("New Salary : " + e1.getSalary());


System.out.println("Name : " + e2.getName());

System.out.println("Title : " + e2.getTitle());

System.out.println("Age : " + e2.getAge());

System.out.println("Salary : " + e2.getSalary()); e2.raiseSalary(10,1);

System.out.println("Salary Raised");

System.out.println("New Salary : " + e2.getSalary());



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