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Writing Center #Second Visit Reflection Letter

After each of the two required WC visits, a reflection of the tutorial will need to be written. 

The reflection should be 400 words and should be posted to this forum during the same week as your writing center visit. If your reflection is posted later than the expected time frame, you won’t receive credit for the response.

The reflection should include, but is not limited to, a discussion of the following aspects: 

  • the name of your tutor? James
  • the date of the tutorial? April 17th 
  • what the tutorial was focused on? he fucosed on the structotion of the essay and comblet thoughts, also on MLA formatt 
  • what was helpful about the tutorial? by giving me some hens and tips to be more clear and specific 
  • what was unhelpful about the tutorial? he was so helpful he even trying to goover the whole essay to make sure if there is anything he has not been over just to make sure that i take advanteg of my visit
  • how the tutorial made you more aware of your writing? made to be more psitively sure that how ever i feel about my writing i should have someone to look over it as long as i have the chance before the final work
  • how you felt about the tutorial before and after the visit (excited, nervous, bitter, etc.)? i was excieted b/c i know it would be a great time for me to here from someone about my work

Your second writing center visit reflection should cover the same information buy also include a comparison to the first visit, including a preference between the two styles of tutors.

The Refluection Letter #First Visit:

Sarah is the name of my tutor, young sweet lady. Her approachable nature was the factor that helped me feel at ease and comfortable when around her. I learnt so much about writing from her insightful ideas. The date of my tutorial was on Wednesday the 8th of March. The tutorial was to begin at exactly 4:00. I felt hesitant to visit the writing center since I thought it might not be helpful for my writing. However I believe in the saying that you never know when you are wrong until somebody points it out to you. I decided that for the sake of experience I would at least go and visit the center.

It was at around 3:45 when I entered the center and I found that my tutor was working with the other student so I waited until my session. After formal introduction and welcome we began our session. It was basically focused on how I wrote my article, and making sure that I has followed the guidelines. My tutor had to read my article and on asking what she thought about them, her answers made me want to know more about writing. First we look at the introduction part. She told me that I should focus on stronger introduction to my articles in order to attract any reader it was meant for. We also discussed on how the flow of the article was and from this I learnt how to organize my work in an appealing manner and how idea flows should be organized. The conclusion and use of writing styles was her other bone of contention and with this I learnt how I could come up with the best article I would write.

Time was not on our side and our session sadly come to an end. My tutor had instilled in me the fuel to become better writer I could ever be and I am grateful to her for that. I was so excited when I left the place and could not wait to put my pen on a paper and practice what I had learnt. Everything in the tutorial session was helpful and was administered to me in a manner I could easily comprehend. It was a bit unhelpful when I kept on interrupting the tutorial with loads of questions and giving too many suggestions other than fully listening to my tutor. This was because I was so excited and want to know more and more and know how the tutor could help me apply the writing knowledge in some of my articles. I was more aware of my writing and any silly mistakes I never thought I made in my writing. When I read other peoples papers I could easily spot out errors like subject-verb agreement errors which I also made in my articles but was unaware of them. I cannot wait to go back to the writing center for another session on improving my writing.

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