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Yazmin Grey

Professor Comments:

your "Research Design and Methodology" is completely meaningless. You need to "write it in your own words" and just simply explain how you will be collecting data, and what plans you have to achieve the goal(s) of your project. Also you need to explain how you would analyze and discuss the results once you collect them later when you execute the work.

You have a good framework, but you need to heavily work on this. First clarify the objectives and make sure you have a good understanding of what exactly you want to deliver. Then in your research design, explain the process to go thru with achieving your goals!

Professor Comments:

I looked at your proposal and it is much much better now than before

Here are my main suggestions

1.       In the literature survey, and in references, pls explicitly mention the work that has been done on employee motivation, etc. it will give a “scholarly” angle to your work. I think one paragraph summarizing the main work should be good

2.       In your research design, my suggestion is to include some secondary research also that is relevant to your work. Once again, since a lot has been done in this area,  you should relate the results that you are getting to the results already obtained previously. In other words, you should strive to show how your work has enriched the knowledge in this area

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