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ygiene to society? Were they the only ones to attempt to institute policies such as sterilization? What was the Nazi ideology towards healthy females?...

How did the Nazis apply the principles of racial hygiene to society? Were they the only ones to attempt to institute policies such as sterilization? What was the Nazi ideology towards healthy females? Was it wrong for the Nazis to interfere in the areas of family, sexuality and childbirth? How did they attempt to indoctrinate the German people in the belief that a strong nation needed a larger population? Who were considered dangers to the Third Reich on racial grounds? How did the Nazis view homosexual males within German society? What were the Nuremberg Laws and how did the Nazis go about instituting these? Finally, how did the seemingly insignificant murder of a Nazi official in Paris, France spark what is widely referred to as the 'Night of Broken Glass?' This one event would be the launching point for what will be referred to as the Holocaust. Do you agree or, disagree with this statement?

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