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You are hired as a lead consultant to implement a Biometric Access Control System for a Water Utility in a large city in the United States. You are to develop an implementation plan that must be presented to the Water Utility Director.

See the following instructions for this Case Study assignment:

The Scenario:

You are hired as a lead consultant to implement a Biometric Access Control System for a Water Utility in a large city in the United States. You are to develop an implementation plan that must be presented to the Water Utility Director. Develop your Implementation Plan using the following outline:


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Overview of technical approach to Biometric Access Control Implementation (high level methodology)

3.0 Detailed testing process

4.0 Summary

  1. Your submission should be 4 to 6 pages long (not including the title page and the reference page)
  2. All sections are represented (Sections 1.0 - 4.0).
  3. Utilize correct grammar and spelling.
  4. APA format with title page, proper citations and a reference page.
  5. Include and cite references as needed.

This case study provides you an opportunity to explain what you would do in a situation where your client is expecting you to provide guidance and a detailed implementation solution.  You are not predicting what will happen, so much as providing courses of action.

The Word document in APA Style formatting which is 4-6 pages plus the title page and the reference pages (10% of the course grade)

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