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You are writing a book on how to evaluate performance evaluation for a company. Respond to the following in a minimum of 350 words: Think about some of the influences and measures of company perfor
You are writing a book on how to evaluate performance evaluation for a company.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 350 words:
- Think about some of the influences and measures of company performance that you read about this week.
- Explain the use of return on assets (ROA) and the price-to-earnings (PE) ratio in evaluating the performance of a company.
- Write about how to calculate ROA and PE ratio and how market conditions can affect these metrics.
- Share the ROA and PE ratio for a company you are familiar with. What do these metrics tell you about the financial health of the company?
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*********** ** ******** *********** ********** *** * Company Student ***************************************** ** *** ********** *** ******** ** Company PerformanceThere *** * ******* ** ******* that can ********* ******* *********** ***** ******* ******* the ******* competition ******** ****** *** ********** *********** ************ * ********* ******** ******* such as ************** ********* ******* *** ********** ***** *** ********* *************** ******* ** ******* performance ******** ** ** ********* ** ******** ********* *** ************* ******** ********* ******** **** as ************* and ******* ****** *** **** you a good ********** of *** *** company is ***** financially However non-financial measures **** ** ******** satisfaction and ******** ********** *** ******** *** the ******* is ***** ********* ******* ***** ** ***** 2019) ************ measurements ** ******** process efficiency *** give *** * **** indication ** *** **** *** company is ******* evaluating ******* *********** ** ** ********* ** **** these factors in **** ** ******* ** ******* ******** you can ********** *** the ******* ** ***** *** what areas need *********** There *** a *** *** measures ** consider when ******* ** company *********** First *** want ** ******* ********* ******** **** ** ************* *** revenue growth ****** *** **** to **** ** ******** ************ *** ******** ********** ******** ******* you want ** **** ** standards of internal process ************ ******** to the factors *** ******** ********* ***** there *** * *** other ****** ** ******** **** ********** ******* *********** ***** ** ** essential ** ******* *** ******* ** ****** in *** ******** ********* ***** **** will **** *** * good sense ** *** *** ******* ******** relative to its peers ****** *** ********* ******* goals and ********** **** be **** ** **** **** **** **** you ** determine if *** company ** on ***** ** **** its ***** Finally ** ** ********* to **** ** **** *** company's ******* **** **** **** *** ** *** ** the company ** ****** ******** ** ** ** ** regressing *** you can *** * **** ***** of ******* ** not *** company ** ** ******** ** ****** ** Assets (ROA) *** the ***************** (PE) ***** ** ********** the Performance ** a CompanyROA *** ** ****** *** ** **** to ******** * ********* *********** ROA is a **** ******* ** ************* while *** PE ***** ** a **** ******* of ********* * company **** * **** ROA *** PE ***** ** likely to ** **** * company **** * *** ROA and PE ***** is expected ** ** ***** ****** The ****** on ****** ***** ratio ** * ********* ****** **** ******** * company’s ************* The ***** ********** *** company's net ****** by its total ****** (Azaro Djajanto ***** **** ***** * ****** *** ratio indicates **** the ******* ** more profitable *** ***************** **** ***** ** * financial ****** that ******** *** value of a ******* *** ***** ** calculated ** ******** *** ********* stock ***** ** its ******** per share * ****** PE ratio ********* **** the ******* is more valuable ***** A *** ** ***** means *** ***** ** ************** ROA *** ** ****** *** ******** * ********* *********** ******* ** ** ********* ** ******** **** **** ***** ******** ********* ****** The ROA ***** ******** * *********** profitability ***** *** ** ***** ******** *** ***** of * ******* **** ***** ****** be ********** together ** get a ******** ******* of *** company's *********** *** ****** ** ****** ***** ***** and *** ***************** **** ratio *** both ********* ******* **** *** evaluate a *********** *********** *** ROA ***** ******** * company’s ************* ***** *** ** ratio measures the ***** of * ******* **** ***** should ** considered ******** ** get * complete ******* ** *** ********* performanceHow ** ********* *** and PE ***** *** How ****** ********** *** Affect these ******** *** ROA (return ** ******* ***** ***** *** **** profit * ******* ********* **** *** ********* assets *** ******* for *** ****** = Net Income * Average ***** Assetsii The ** (price-to-earnings) ratio is a ********* ****** used ** measure whether * ***** ** over- ** ************ The ******* *** PE ***** = ***** ***** * ******** *** Share (EPS)Market ********** *** ****** *** and ** in * *** different **** *** example ** *** ******* ****** is ***** **** ** ****** stock prices ** be ****** and ******** to **** **** ***** lead ** * higher ** ***** ********** ***** ****** **** be ***** ** *** ****** ********* *** EPS will ******** ** decline ******* ** a ***** PE ratio ******* *** **** ****** ********** can ****** *** *** PE ** through ******** rates ** ******** ***** are *** ** **** be ******* *** ********* to ****** money *** ****** in ****** *********** This *** lead to ****** **** ****** ******** ***** **** ***** ********** ** ******** rates *** **** it will be **** ********* for ********* to ****** ***** ******* to ***** **** ******* market conditions can **** affect *** and ** through *** ************ ** capital ** **** capital ** ********* (eg ****** a **** market) companies will have ** ****** time ******* ***** ** ****** ** ****** This can **** ** ****** **** If capital ** ****** *** ****** a **** market) ** **** be ****** *** ********* to raise ***** ******* ** lower **** ** ******* market ********** *** ****** ROA *** ** ** a *** ********* **** **** *** affect ***** ****** ******** ******** ***** *** *** ************ ** capital ROA *** ** ***** of ********* *** * ************* PE ***** *** ** ********** ** dividing *** ****** ***** *** ***** ** *** earnings *** **************** ****** ***** per share as of ********* ** 2022 ** ****************** ******** *** share as ** September ** 2022 ** $6627Microsoft's ** ***** ** of ********* ** **** ** 2586((171651/6627) * 2586)Microsoft’s ** ratio ** ** ********* ** **** is **** **** means **** *** ***** ** ** ******** the company's ***** ** ******* ** $2586 This ** ********** **** ******** ** *** ******** ******* ** **** ************ 2022) ** ROAMicrosoft *** ** **** ** *************** ROA can ** calculated ** ******** *** net ****** ** *** total ***************** net income ** ** September 23 **** ** $32901 millionMicrosoft's ***** assets ** of ********* ** **** *** ******** ****************** *** as of September ** **** is ******************** * ******** ******* ** ***** **** *********** *** ********* ** ratio ** **** compared to *** ******** ******* ********** **** *** ********* stock ** ********* ******* the ********* *** ** excellent ********** **** it *********** uses *** ****** to ******** ****** The ********* average *** **** *** **** **** ***** ** **** ******* ********************** * ******** * ***** **** * A ***** ****** *** ********* ** Financial Ratios *** Firm Size ** **** Value *** ********* ***** on Manufacturing ********* ****** ********* ***** ******** ****** in ********** ***** ******** ** 2013–2017) *** ****** ********** ******** *** ******** Conference (AMBEC ***** *** ******** Atlantis *********** (2022) *** ******** Toolbox *** ********* * finboxcom *** ******** ******* *** Investors * ********* https://finboxcom/NASDAQGS:MSFT/explorer/roaJardioui M ******* * & ** ***** * ****** *** ************** ******* influences *********** *********** systems ** **** ************* ******* ** ************ and *********** ********************* (2022) ********* ** ***** ********* * **** | *********** ********* ** ***** ********* * **** * *********** *********************************************************************** * ****** ******* ******* ********* *** ******** relationships ********* ******** ************ ******* and ******* *********** Journal of Business & Industrial ***********