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you have to fill template from screenplay STORYBOARD- Your drawing skills come into play!- Remember that you are not doing multiple scenes... pick ONE scene from your film; write that scene number in

you have to fill template from screenplay STORYBOARD- Your drawing skills come into play!- Remember that you are not doing multiple scenes... pick ONE scene from your film; write that scene number in the TOP LEFT CORNER of each of the boxes. As an example, I would write '5' in all 6 boxes right after the word 'Scene:'... I would then start in the top left corner and number each box from 1 to 6 to indicate a linear flow. - I would then draw 6 different shot types - one in each box - that tells the story; it won't tell the entire story, or even the entire scene. It WILL show 6 consecutive shots that tell the story to begin with.  

Remember:You need to chose ONE (1) scene from your script and do SIX (6) frames for your storyboard.

All hand drawn by YOU. No AI, no images from online... all you and your artistic glory! Fill out the pertinent information, but no need for 'lens info' as we never went over that in class. 

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