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You may submit your response as a video OR a written response.

You may submit your response as a video OR a written response.

Use the knowledge of the interdisciplinary process you've gained during this past semester in Cornerstone to 

Clearly and specifically reflect on how your understanding of the Broad Model has helped you to better understand and address a current issue or complex problem in your life or in the world.

See pages 310 to 330 in the textbook (Chapter 12) for guidance if needed.

I will assume citations are from Repko's book, so only chapter references or page numbers are necessary. Do not use other quoted material.

I want to hear your perspective and understand your ability to analyze and apply the interdisciplinary process. Show you understand several of the key terms from the text.

You may submit your response as a video OR a written response.

  • For a video, check that I can see your face and CLEARLY HEAR what you say. Beware of background noise that may obscure your words. I will not struggle to understand; I will just lower your grade. If you record using your phone, you may need to hold the phone sideways (landscape) to achieve a submission that is not sideways. Please be sure your recording device is completely stationary. 
  • For a written response, run spell check and grammar check. Again, I will not struggle to understand; I will just lower your grade.
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