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You should select one program that addresses either gang prevention, intervention, or suppression. You may find potential programs at the following sites:NGC Strategic Planning Tool: https://www.nati
You should select one program that addresses either gang prevention, intervention, or suppression. You may find potential programs at the following sites:
NGC Strategic Planning Tool: Model Programs Guide: for Violence Prevention:
You should then write a 2-3 page paper that addresses the following points:
Provide a brief description of the program - For example, what is the target population? What does the program involve (e.g. duration, etc.)? Who developed the program and where does it originate? What are the program objectives/goals? What type of program is it (e.g. prevention, intervention, suppression)? How is the program classified (e.g. effective, promising, not effective) and what is the source of classification (e.g. Blueprints, National Institute of Justice, etc.)?
Explain the theoretical basis of the program - What criminological theory(ies) is the program based on? Explain how/why the program is expected to achieve the desired outcome(s) in your own words.
Explain potential variation in program success - For instance, if you choose a program that can be applied to an area such as a neighborhood, then explain whether you think the program may be more successful in urban areas, rural areas, or work equally well across these areas. If you select a program that is given at the individual level, then explain whether you think the program may be more successful for certain demographics (age, sex, race/ethnicity). For instance, do you think females would benefit more from the program than males, vice versa, or do you think the program would work equally well for males and females?
Provide your opinion of the program - For example, would you like to see the program implemented in your community? What, if anything, do you like about the program? What, if anything, would you change about the program?
References - Be sure to include all references used in the paper in APA format
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***** ************ ******************************************** cases *** ******* ** the modern ******* *** ** *** ***** ********* **** ** widespread ****** measures **** to ** *********** to ***** *** ****** ************* Studies have shown that ***** offenders are ***** ** ******** Some ** the young offenders assert ********** *** poor ****** *** up to ** *** **** reasons attributable ** crime *** Early ************ program *** ****** * ******* **** in ******* *** ***** ********* ****** ***** ****** ****** **** **** the program *** ****** ** reduce *** ****** of ***** ********* Subtly **** ***** **** ********* the ***** ************ program *** the ******* associable ** the modern societyProgram DescriptionThe ***** of *** ** ***** ************ ******* *** ****** *** ** *** ********* court ********* *** court ********* **** due to the ********** ** *********** *** **** guilty ** ****** ******** of *** juveniles ** ********* ** ** intervention ******* *** target was ** *** ***** ********* between the **** ** ***** ***** ********* *** ***** ** risky *** serious ********** **** *** harmful ** *** society ** identify **** *** ** ***** proper ********* ** ***** intake ** **** ** *** *** of * comprehensive **** ********** **** *** ********* ********* that *** ******** *** ***** ******* ****** offender ********** ******* ******* 2003) ******** *********** ** ******* ** the ** clients ******* * proper intervention ************* ** is imposed on the young ********* ** a *** **** period **** **** *** at *** ***** *** Family ******** ****** *********** are **** with * ******* ***** ** ascertain *** ***** ** change ** *** ** young ********* *** program has realized *** reduced number ** ********* ***** *** *** violations Furthermore the ** ***** ************ ******* has ******** ** * lower ******* ****** ** **** ** offenders ** ******* * ***** conducted ** *** ****** ****** ******** ********* ********** other groups ** ********* ****** *** ****** **** and *** ******** ***** The **** ********** ******* is evaluated ***** ** *** **** ******* Risk ******* *** account *** *** ********** family school and **** ******** *** ******** ********** occurrences *** ** ** a ****** of drug abuse ********** ******* mental ****** ******** ************* ***** others *********** and **** ***** This ** * ***** indication **** ***** are * variety ** **** ******* that affect the behavior relation ** different ****************** ******* ************* Orange County ********* Department ******* ********** ** ascertain the ******* ** *** intervention program *** ********** ******** ******** ****** ******** to ******** *** *********** of the ***** ** *********** ****** the ******* ***** ** the ************ ***** *** ***** *** **** to *** ***** Orange ****** From the **** ********* by *** officers ** ******** **** **** ***** were ********** features ** is from this **** **** *** ** **** ******* *** other ********* **** ***** on *** ****** *** ********* *** ******** **** ********* *** ************ ******* ** seen to **** a ******** ****** ** ******* the ***** ** the ******************** ** Early ************ ******* *** ****** to ** ********* ***** ** *** ******* that *** experienced ** **** *** **** ** ******* *** ******* in ***** regions ** ***** the ******* is ********** * vital **** *************** is ********** **** ***** ** an understanding ** the ******* **** ***** *** ******* ******* ** ********* *** ***** ** mind ** ** ********** *** ****** ******* when ********** suppression ************ *** ********** ******* ********* ** the ***** ********* especially *** ***** *** ****** ********* ********* one ******* ** * ****** ** *********** ******* care ******** ** ******** *********** ***** ***** *** ****** ******** **** lie before *** ********************** * * ****** ********** and ******** Juvenile Delinquency: A ************* Framework ******** Oaks CA: **** Publicationshttps://wwwnationalgangcentergov/What-Works/#strategicSchumacher * *** **** * (2000) The ** ********* ********** ******* Repeat Juvenile Crime ******** **** *** **** ************