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You will be reading the case “Moss and McAdams Accounting Firm” on pp. 94–96 in your textbook. Once you have finished reading the case study, you will address the prompts below. (ARTICLE ATTACHED) Def
You will be reading the case “Moss and McAdams Accounting Firm” on pp. 94–96 in your textbook. Once you have finished reading the case study, you will address the prompts below. (ARTICLE ATTACHED)
- Define functional, matrix, and projectized organizational structures, and list the strengths and weaknesses of each.
- Determine which organizational structure was being used in the two projects discussed in the case study, and explain how you came to that conclusion using evidence from the case study.
- Do you believe that the projects described in this case study could have been managed better using a different type of organizational structure? If so, which one do you think would have worked better, and why? If you believe that the organizational structure used was the correct one, explain why you think so.
- Describe what is meant by the technical side of a project and the sociocultural side of a project. Do you think Sands and Crosby were masters of both sides of their projects? Why, or why not?
- Do you believe that a better knowledge of the organization’s strategy would have improved the outcome of this case study? Why, or why not?
Your response should be a minimum of two pages in length and formatted as an essay. Citations and references are not required; however, if information from other authors is used, proper credit should be given.
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*********** ***************** NameCourseDateMoss ***** ******* *********** ** ******* ********** depends ** *** *** the ******* ************** ********* fits *** ******** ********* ** organization *** ** ********** an ********* ********** of *** ******* ******* efficient utilization ** ********* Organizations **** also ****** the ******* ********* based on *** ********* ** projects and the *********** **** ********* ********** **** *** ******* specialize ** ****** *** *** trying ** ****** ** *********** ******** Their project ********** ********* ****** ****** their *********** ** the long run Currently ********* between ******* ******** *** ** ********** of ****** **** *** existing structure Differentiation ** *** ********** ********* matric ********* *** *********** ********* ****** aid Moss ***** ******* in ********* ** *********** ********** ********** ************** ********* ***** ** taking advantage of *** ******** organization’s ********* ** utilizes *** ******** ************ ********* ** ******** ********* *** ********* ********** units ** *** organization **** ******** project ***** ********** ******* ****** supervisors **** *** **** already know *** *********** *** ******** **** ********** *********** also offer ****** ********** to the ***** since **** ** *** have to ***** ***** ****** ****** ** work on ******** ** ** an ***** ********* *** organizations that have one-off projects *** main ************ ** **** *** project **** ***** as ***** from the ********** ***** *** ***** ***** ***** ** **** ********** ** ************ between departments **** is ****** ** **** to conflicts between ********** ********** **************** ************** ********** ******* creating independent ***** *** individual ******** **** implies **** functional ***** ** *** organizations *** *** ******** involved in *** ******** Resources *** ******** ** * ******* **** the project ******* *********** *** *** ******** It *** the ********* of being ***** and ********* ***** the ******* focus on the ******* ***** responsibilities reduce *** ******* ** ******** with other ***** ** *** organization *** main ************ ** **** ** ** expensive to *** ********** ** the ************ *** ******** ******** that ******* ********* *********** ***** It ** **** difficult for team ******* ** ****** ** their original ********* after ******* completionA matrix ************** ******* is * ****** ******* *** projectized *** ********** ********** ** merges *** ******* ********** ********* **** the ********** ***** ** assigns ***** ** *** ******* ******* *** *** ********** ******* ** ********* ****** ********* ** *** project ************ *** **** ********* is **** resources *** ** ****** ******* ******** projects The presence ** a ******* ******* **** increase ***** ** ***** *** ***** ******* *** ******* ** ******** ******** ************* ******* ******** conflicts ** ********* *** ******** ******* *********** *** ******* *** ***** * matrix ************** ********* ** run *** *** ******** The **** identifies *** ******* **** * ****** ********* ** ********** its project ** *** independent project managers **** Palmer and ****** **** ****** ********* ******** ***** ****** to ******** **** do ******* receive staff **** different ********** ***** ** the organization ***** is in the ********** ********* that assigns ***** ** the ********* project ******** **** *********** of a ******* manager *** functional manger result ** * ****** ********** ******* **** *** ******** ** *** **** would **** ****** ****** **** a *********** ********* *** *********** ********* ***** have given ****** *** ****** ******* **** ***** ********* In **** **** *** **** ***** ** ****** to ***** **** **** ** two different ******** ** a *********** ******** Olds ***** only work *** Palmer *********** any ****** ** conflict ** ***** **** eliminate *** employee’s ********** ** moving ******* auditing ***** *** *********** duties *********** structure ** ideal ********** *** M ***** M ***** ****** ***** on multiple and *********** *********** ********* side ** *** ******* relates ** ******** ******** ** ********* ***** That includes ********** resources ****** *** ***** skills *** ***** ********* ************ *** *** ********** ** a project *** ************* **** ******* ** the ******* ****** *** ********* ** *** **** ***** *** ****** were not ****** ** **** ***** ** *** divide ***** ***** *** ** *** technical **** and ******* *** ****** aspects ****** *** *** ******* ***** **** he overworked Olds ** his ******* ***** was also *** *********** ** ****** **** ************ **** **** ***** for ****** ******** ******** *** ******* *************** knowledge ** *** organization’s ******** *** ******** *** *** *********** ** ******** in the case *** ************ was trying ** ***** **** ** ********** **** on auditing **** ******* ******** *** ********* to suit the strategy *** ****** ********* *** ****** since **** ** *** **** **** *** on auditing *** introduction ** *********** was bound to ****** * *********** ***** ******* *** functional managers and ******* ************