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You will prepare and submit a term paper on Knowledge-Sharing Dilemmas. Your paper should be a minimum of 2250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Knowledge-Sharing Dilemmas. Your paper should be a minimum of 2250 words in length. Workers in the healthcare profession should be conscientious enough to provide high-quality service. To achieve this, good teamwork must be established. The unified vision of what the organization wants to achieve and where it wants to go in the future in terms of quality, professionalism, services offered and expertise is what each of the team should aspire for.

This paper attempts to analyze how workers in healthcare organizations can work together to attain above-average organizational outcomes. Aside from workers being efficient in the performance of their tasks, key factors in the journey to a team’s success are, good leadership, effective communication and objective evaluation of the team’s performance and quality of service.

Management must be consistent in communicating to each worker its philosophy of providing the best quality health care and treatment through collaborative efforts of professionals from different disciplines. Each worker should be able to feel that he is part of a great team that sets high goals and successfully attains them. “Creating the conditions that engender knowledge transfer entails significant structural and cultural changes by top leadership, which will require leaders to be convinced that the benefits of knowledge transfer outweigh the costs. In the absence of this commitment, it is unlikely that attempts to increase knowledge flow will succeed. Leaders should be cautious about publicly touting the virtues of "knowledge sharing" without a substantive commitment to change, as this may result in the failure of well-intentioned knowledge transfer initiatives, bringing with it lowered employee morale and the potential for resistance against future knowledge-transfer initiatives.” (Burgess, 2005)

Leadership may be defined as a “process in which a&nbsp.leader attempts to influence his or her followers to establish and accomplish a goal or goals.

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