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You will prepare and submit a term paper on Management Portfolio: Management Functions. Your paper should be a minimum of 2750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Management Portfolio: Management Functions. Your paper should be a minimum of 2750 words in length. Managers are among the key foundations of any organization. The fact that they are constantly faced with the challenges of dealing with the employees or staff of the institutions that they work for, the managers are expected to perform their duties not only for their organization but also for their employees as well. With the emergence of the developments of the management systems today, the idea of managing people takes a better lead as the year's progress.

In this paper, the author, to be able to come up with the necessary details that are needed to complete the study being hosted herein interviews two educational managers. The said interview does take place based upon the aim of putting a clear description of how managers affect the way organizations are further operating for the people that they serve.

To be able to briefly yet clearly define the role of the manager in a certain pattern that does help the readers gain a clear understanding of their importance in the companies or institutions, the author of this paper tries to breakdown the necessary information that was garnered from the performed interviews. In addition, the said interview shall be summarized and analyzed in the paragraphs that would follow.

Managing is a skillful job that requires a person to have his own operating skills. His ability to correlate with the subjects that he ought to manage is highly given importance by the organization. This is the reason why managers are considered the main foundations of the people force of each organizational system. Usually, managers are the ones who are assigned to take the position of the ‘leaders’ of any working team.

Hence, to be able to become a fine manager, there are necessary skills and characteristics that are needed for a person to be a competent manager. Someone that an organization would actually value so much:

Empathy is a feeling that a person has towards people who are oppressed and feeling low. At some point, this feeling is referred to as being able to “become as other”.&nbsp.


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