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You will prepare and submit a term paper on References check. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.
You will prepare and submit a term paper on References check. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. References check Twenty five percent of adults aged 65 and above occasionally fall down every year. These falls may result to moderate to severe body damages or even early deaths in an elderly person. Fortunately, these falls are part of public health challenges that can be tackled.
The incident of an elderly person falling in a hospital setting is a question mark on nurses’ duties. Was the fall preventable? This article has reviewed some articles that elaborate more the issue of falling patients. The nurses should be trained to spot people that are susceptible to falling down. The nurse should be aware of their problems regarding vision, the medicines they are taking or their general body balance. These articles have concentrated much on the aging population and they are as follows.
Nursingworld : An online platform that represent, educates and advocates nurses in the U.S : this is a platform that provide nurses with general guidance on taking care of most patients with illness such as falling in elderly people.
Creative programs improve expertise in gerontological nursing. this article not only talks about the ill aged patients, but the need for nurses to become proficient while handling falling patients: .
Falls and fractures. this is a reviewed article that guide nurses in dealing with the falling effect in elderly people:
Falls in the elderly. this is a an article authored by George F Fuller. the article has elaborated much on early stages that takes place while aging that causes falling in elderly people. The article digs deeper into what constitutes to falling in aging patients:
Exercise and Physical Activity. this is an article from National Institute on Aging which is part of National health institute. The article provides physical exercise guidance to those approaching old age and those who are already elderly and have falling problem:
Theres No Place Like Home - For Growing Old. this is an article that provides guidance on places to get help in case an elderly person is having falling problem.
Home Safety for People with Alzheimers Disease. this reviewed article that talks much on taking care of patients with Alzheimer’s illness:
Preclinical Alzheimer’s disease and risk for falls. this article has pin pointed out statistical figures regarding Alzheimer’s disease that is connected to falling:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Web–based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) [online]. Accessed August 18, 2014. an online platform that can be queried to give statistical data on issues to do with falling.
National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS), National Center for Health Statistics. Available at: Assessed August 18, 2014. the articles gives statistical information on surveys that have been done regarding falling in elderly people.
Accidents or Unintentional Injuries. this is an article from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: the article contains statistics about falling patients basically in the United States of America.
Geriatric Times. this is an online journal that provides updated information that is clinically related to falling in aging population:
ASA Connection. this is an online electronic newsletter which is promoted by the US society about falling. The updates includes newly initiated research, policy development and timely announcement and events:
Social Gerontology & the Aging Revolution. this is a social impact depiction of an aging population in the current society and the problems they face in reference to falling.
Heal Your Brain: How the New Neuropsychiatry Can Help You Go from Better to well. this is book that is dedicated to help individuals having anxiety and depression disorders in relation to falling.
All these articles address matters to do with falling at different levels and in different communities. they are all focused to have a better falling handling approaches by the end of it all. Some articles contain statistical data regarding falling in aging population and they can be used as reference sources in case information is needed.
Some articles reveals universal decline in mortality and fertility that triggers population aging. Most of the analysis uses three major indicators. life expectancy at birth and the ages of 60, sixty five and 80, and the rate of survival to ages of 65, 60 and 80. These articles address the proposed changes that should be done in order to enhance quality life for the aging population.
Analyzing PICTO
Population/ Patient Problem: the patient is an elderly person having falling problem.
Intervention: the plan is to have the patient under maximum care and therapies to reduce falling.
Comparison: the alternative is to come up with new measures that can improve care.
Outcome: the outcome is to have the patient well taken care of and adopt to care.
Time: . Time may vary depending on the patient’s condition.