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You will prepare and submit a term paper on Sex Therapy. Your paper should be a minimum of 750 words in length.
You will prepare and submit a term paper on Sex Therapy. Your paper should be a minimum of 750 words in length.
Sex Therapy
An overview of sexual therapy
Differences between systematic approaches and traditional approaches in sex therapy
The recent years have seen invention of rapid advancements in issues concerning sex therapy. The technique is a useful instrument for treating sexual dysfunctions. The experience has long lived since time immemorial, just as sex problems have been so rampant. The application of various approaches has been given credit over the years in a bid to counteract the dysfunctions, and various advanced techniques have emerged in the recent years that in one way or the other surpass or they are surpassed by the traditional methodologies. The discussion in this paper seeks to establish issues concerning sex therapy. The comprehension of this is boosted via reviewing differences between the modern and the traditional approaches of sex therapy (Schnarch, 1995).
An overview of sex therapy
The founding of the idea was by two people, a process that took place in the year 1970, as a result of increment of sex-related dysfunctions. The sex dysfunctions are defined as the behavioral, affective, or cognitive problems bound to hinder a couple or an individual from enjoying sexual intercourse. These individuals find it hard to engage in adequate intercourse or orgasm. The sex therapists utilize a variety of mechanisms that are inclusive of advisory, and treatment to eradicate these overwhelming challenges from the human race. The sexual dysfunctions have some widely distinct root causes, which are inclusive of sexual performance concerns, depression, the presence of unsolved sexual orientation issues, an experience of a traumatic sexual experience and stress in addition to conflicts that arise in relationships. Therefore, sex therapy seeks to provide treatments for the sexual problems. The problems include: premature ejaculation, consummation and erectile dysfunction in addition to low libido as well as unwanted sexual fetishes. The other common challenges are inclusive of sexual addiction as well as painful sex and even the absence of sexual confidence between two people (Leiblum, 2006).
The rationale of sex therapists is in the offer of solutions that aid in overcoming such difficulties and at the same time acquire active life of sex. A variety of approaches is utilized in the treatment of sex problems, the modern ones being inclusive of Masters and Johnson’s Approach: which involves an evaluation and rapid questioning of a client by the therapist at hand to solve a defined challenge. The second involves the Kaplan’s approach that entails provision of treatment within a two-week period. The Permission-Limited Information-Specific Suggestions-Intensive Therapy model approach was also initiated by Annon in 1976 and it has long been utilized. The traditional therapists used methodologies and approaches are inclusive of psychoanalytic explanations provisions to counteract psychosexual problems. However, these approaches were proved ineffective, leading to the therapists seeking more therapeutic methods that seem advantageous than the former, which are based on treatment (Kleinplatz, 2001).
Differences between systematic approaches and traditional approaches in sex therapy
There is a broad range of differences identifiable between the traditional and the modern sex therapy approaches. Most of the traditional methods entailed the utilization of psychoanalytical methods that are aimed at providing explanations to those infected on how they would assist themselves. The main challenge emerging from these was that it solved the problems of only a few people since few were able to turn the acquired knowledge into practice. On the other hand, today’s approaches are based on physical treatments that lead to full attendance of a therapist to a patient. The other distinction occurs in the duration of achievement of a solution to a problem. The traditional approaches are quite involving and end up consuming a lot of time than the modern approaches. This difference comes in as a result of the recent technological advancements that provide fast-performance tools and items, quickening the healing process. In addition, the modern approaches have a rationale of being specific in the treatment type offered to a patient. The degree of specificity at the same time depends upon the degree of the problem to be handled at a particular time and on a particular patient. This is in contrast to the traditional methods where specifications did not have a room for identification (Immanuel, 2011). More over, the measures of efficiency and effectiveness often find a room in the utilization of modern sexual therapy approaches as compared to the traditional ones that are not specified and based on the idea of psychoanalytical frameworks. The traditional approaches are at the same time deemed so demanding and tiring, owing to a manual attendance to a patient by a therapist as compared to the modern ones that promote room for better comprehension of a problem at hand.
Sex therapy has become a very crucial component in the lives of human beings today, leading to the continued significance of sex therapy as a discipline. This strategy entails treatment and attendance to people that experience sex problems of any kind. The traditional approaches to solve the sex problems entailed the use of psychoanalytical frameworks while those of today utilize treatments of all. types. However, a broad range of distinctions is known to exist between the modern and the traditional approaches.
Immanuel, F. (2011). Sex Therapy: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach. Retrieved from http://www.nursingplanet.com/pn/sex_therapy.html.
Kleinplatz, P. (2001). New directions in sex therapy: innovations and alternatives. NY: Psychology Press.
Leiblum, S. (2006). Principles and practice of sex therapy. NY: Guilford Press.
Schnarch, D. (1995). A family systems approach to sex therapy and intimacy. American psychological association. Retrieved from http://www.sexualwholeness.com/downloads/schnarchcpt.pdf.