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Your assignment for this unit is to create an informative essay concerning social identity and multi-team systems. In your introduction, create a fictitious company name and a location that is based i

Your assignment for this unit is to create an informative essay concerning social identity and multi-team systems. In your introduction, create a fictitious company name and a location that is based in your hometown. Do not use a real company for this assignment. Use the fictitious company you created throughout the essay as you describe examples in the workplace. Be sure to cover the following topics in your essay: 

Describe social identity theory, and give an example of how this develops cohesiveness in teams at your company. 

Analyze how leaders should help team members identify with groups and connect with other team members. 

At what point should you look at switching from large teams to multi-team systems? 

Describe the types of tasks necessary for multi-team systems in a company. 

How is leadership different in multi-team systems versus stand-alone teams? 

Describe an example of how you would alter leadership in your company to facilitate using multi-team systems. 

Your essay should be at least two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, which are required as part of this assignment. You are required to use at least three outside sources, one of which must come from the  Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

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