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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on does an absent father lead to homosexuality in their children.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on does an absent father lead to homosexuality in their children. Nurturing is an important aspect of parenting a child and in the case of a male child, more attention should d be given to them to aid them in growing up into a complete individual According to (Johnson,1996 ) “The father-absence literature predominates in this area of father-child relations and arrives at the conclusion that nonresidence of fathers has a negative effect on child development”. Apart from the absence of fathers and nurturing, Christianity and the bible play a significant role in guiding the male child in the proper direction. Father’s presence is a complex and rich social construction that can build and decorate the life of a son.

A child to develop appropriately needs the assistance of both mother and father. In the same manner, the absence of a father is much more likely to produce loneliness and disregard in the life of a male child. A male child, who is growing up, built his sexual identity by observing his father. In the case of families where fathers are absent, the male child lack guidance, care, and support which he deserves. The studies on the absenteeism of fathers have revealed that the male children's behavioral, educational, and social problems linked to different developmental stages of the child. A male child develops its sexual identity in different stages of his growing and the absence of a father totally destroys a child’s sexual identity pattern.

The male child whose father is absent projects psychosexual identity problems and also aggression to an extent. When there is a lack of love and affection from a father the male child looks up to people other than parents for the same. It is a fact that more gay men have loving mothers and distant fathers. As per (Moon, 2005)“ Mothers of gay men were found to be seductive, babying, and controlling: fathers were distant, competitive, or hostile”.

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