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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on karl marx. He intended to help the readers understand the kind of pain that these classes were being placed into by the rule that had been establish

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on karl marx. He intended to help the readers understand the kind of pain that these classes were being placed into by the rule that had been established in France at the time, and how the dictatorship failed to notice the plight of the commoners, which further led to a pitfall in the politics as well as economy of the country. Through his writing, Marx tried to help the people to understand that even a commoner could come to terms with the entire situation and circumstance and play the rightful part of a hero by lifting the pressure that the lower classes had been engulfed into because of the rule that persisted in the country at the time. It was leading to a major deterioration in the economy’s cycle, not to forget the happiness factors of society at large. One of his most famous quotes help to provide readers of the Brumaire with Marx’s views on an individual’s life within society at the time in France.

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