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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on sexuality and teen pregnancy.
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on sexuality and teen pregnancy. Most importantly, the emotional trauma suffered by teens when left by their partner drives them towards monogamy. This can prove even more physically and emotionally distressing (Belsky, 2010). She should be encouraged to use contraceptives. however, sometimes contraceptives like spermicides can escalate the risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases. Lastly, early on sexual activity has greatly accelerated issues of mental health, regret, low self-worth, guilt, depression. This in turn encourages adolescent intimate relationships. thus, the sadistic cycle thrives.
I would explicitly delineate cultural and societal norms that we respect and expect Sally to abide by. More importantly, a direct one on one talk with children can clear out any misconceptions from misinformation from peers. Regular talks focused on sharing and emphasizing values will also serve as a communication channel and help the child to confide in parents. Since, Sally is sexually active and has had opportunities to have sex, so it is crucial to know about her whereabouts, and even that of her friends. It is vital to establish a positive relationship with children and to keep an eye on what they do in their spare time.
On a more strict side, high and achievable academic expectations should be established. Studies have proven that children who are committed to studies are less susceptible to anti-social behavior such as teenage sex, drugs, alcohol, and the like. Therefore, a high academic expectation should be established and ambitions should be constantly emphasized. She needs to be clearly reminded of the non-negotiable rules, curfew timings, and expectations as she has been staying out late. In case, she does not adhere to these, she should be punished. She needs to be encouraged to join group activities and stay away from one-on-one dating in her early teens.