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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the controversial dutch architect rem koolhass.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the controversial dutch architect rem koolhass. Rem Koolhaas is widely respected and critiqued in equal measures. It is noted that he has been this controversial ever since his studentship in the 70s in London. He is unlike the other architects who are ready to compromise their work ethics for economic gains. He is described as being highly provocative and ill-behaved professionally. He has won several architectural competitions with the most recent one being in China. He was commissioned to undertake the building of the Headquarters of China Central Television. These works have been a source of scathing attacks from pro-western institutions and powers who insinuated that he was helping in the expansion of a Dictatorial regime in China. However, other sources described the building as a masterpiece. This is just an example of the mixed reactions his works have elicited. He has taken part in many competitions even though he won some. he has also lost quite a number. For instance, his proposal to spearhead the transformation of the Museum of Modern Art into a ministry of self-proclamation known as MoMA Inc. was badly rejected.

Even though he has been under pressure from various sources, he has been able to nurture several great modern-day architects such as DjarkeIngels of Copenhagen based BIG and Winy Maas of MVRDV firm in the Netherlands. His books are also widely used by many architectural students all over the world who always try to emulate him. He is quite unpredictable unlike most of his peers and other magnificent architects of his reputation such as FranskGehry and Zaha Hadid, who maintained their focus over long careers. Apart from architecture, he is also a great theoretician of the industry and has written quite a number of books concerning different architectural ideologies on major urban cities.

In one of his demonstrations in Venice, he was against the out brushing historic buildings.

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