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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the importance of successful interpersonal communication.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the importance of successful interpersonal communication. Communication is one aspect of humanity that no one escapes. In everyday living, it is an essential activity that requires one to listen and speak effectively in order to produce results. It is also one of the central tenets in the development of societies, of relationships, as well as knowledge, which shows the important role of communication. However, the success or failures of communicating lies in how the message is sent, as well as received. Improper messages can lead to negative effects in the same way that well-thought-of messages can produce great if not just positive results. Some ways of assuring the successes of interpersonal communications are getting to know the self, as well as understanding how others think from their point of view. Such a way of thinking helps in connecting with others, making one side feel understood by the other, and the other being able to express what is asked or wanted to the other party.&nbsp.

Communication Assessment: The Importance of Successful Interpersonal Communication

Communication is a way of one being or organism to send signals or information to the surroundings or other beings similar to it (Stewart, 2012). It is the expression of one’s self to others, making one’s existence known to others, as well as acknowledging the existence of others and the expression of others of their own selves. Through the process of communication, groups of people can survive and thrive, or the lack of any form of communication could be disastrous for them (Stewart, 2012). But communication is not just limited to survival measures. For the human civilization to successfully thrive, communication has a vital role in the formation of societies, the building of ancient cities, and of humankind being able to endure most conditions that would otherwise wipe out other forms of life. Thus, successful communication is an integral component of how mankind was able to become the strongest driving force on Earth in less than a hundred centuries.

It is integral to any society that needs and wants, as well as other expressions of one’s self is properly communicated. However, there are also times when the information becomes distorted, mainly due to some communication barriers between the one that transmits the information, and the one that receives it (Stewart, 2012). This implies that for the successful transactions and interactions between one party and the other, one must be able to successfully communicate with others at an interpersonal level. Interpersonal communication is defined as a form of communication that occurs between a person and the rest of the surrounding people. Another is that it is a kind of interaction wherein the participants may not be limited to just a speaker and a limited number listeners, but it involves a lot more people that engage with the speaker on a regular basis (Stewart, 2012). In a way, in an interpersonal communication continuum, the participants have dynamic roles, such as being a speaker in one situation and being a listener in the next, but because it is something that is done every day, the shifts between the two roles are hardly noticed by the participants.

While in itself being a part of everyday lives, not all interpersonal communications bring positive results, and some may even end up leaving one or both parties developing negative feelings toward one another. This implies that aside from the process taking place naturally, the quality of the communication process is also deemed important, which then leads to the importance of successful interpersonal communications among members of society. The lack of such communications can wreak havoc on society, creating disorder and chaos, while successful ones are able to help build the society and let it flourish. For example, a person that is unable to connect to other people successfully due to the inability to understand both the self and others could come out as a haughty and thoughtless person that no one eventually wants to speak to, while a person that knows how to communicate with others by knowing both the self in terms of strengths and weaknesses as well as being able to relate to how others would think effectively comes out as a caring and understanding person that many people go to for advice or to give advice to. It goes to show that if interpersonal communications are given time to be understood as well as practised, not only does one person becomes an asset to society, the same person also develops the ability to create and maintain interpersonal relationships, as well as creating a public identity that others would give their respect to (Stewart, 2012). Thus, a person must not only be willing to learn how to understand others effectively but also have dedication in making sure that communication with others is done properly and with no misunderstandings between the two parties.&nbsp.

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